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Chirstmas Point

Chirstmas Point

South West corner of Similan Island 9 is home to this awesome dive site, boulders, sharks, turtles are all regular visitors here.

CHRISTMAS POINT – Similan Island 9

This is definitely a dive site to bring your camera! With a maze of granite boulders and swim-throughs photos really capture the beauty of this site. Ribbon eels and Orange-spotted Pipefish can be seen around the edge of this dive site as well as Napoleon Wrasse and the occasional Eagle Ray. Anemones with Porcelain Crabs inhabit the crevasses and Nudibranches galore can be seen crawling over the boulders.
Type of Dive: Boulder
Depth: 8 – 40 metres diving depth
Visibility: 10 – 30 metres
Temperature: 27 – 29 degrees C
Difficulty: Intermediate / Advanced PAD

Chirstmas Point