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Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen 5 Trip No. 60

 Author: | View 1799

Manta Queen 5 # 59 Another great trip on our Manta Queen 5 Liveaboard around the Similan Island National Marine Park. Leaving the pier at Khao Lak I could feel the excitement of the 4 people who were getting ready to start their PADI Open Water Course and be introduced the amazing world of scuba diving. With some excellent instruction they would all soon be great divers. We started the trip ...


Manta Queen 3 Trip Number 189

 Author: | View 1758

Manta Queen 3 # 189 It truly was a starry, starry night when we left Khao Lak harbour, bound for 4 nights and 4 days Liveaboard of outstanding diving in the Similan Islands. Our check-out dive at Three Trees was a brilliant introduction, offering the entire range of landscape you can find in the Similans. Shallow reefs teaming with life, huge boulders with beautiful sea fans, and sandy stretch...


Marine Life ¨Fiesta¨

 Author: | View 1708

Manta Queen 1 #191 Hi there once again for another adventure aboard Manta Queen 1. This trip we welcome another group from Action Sports Germany with 12 excited divers, also on-board divers from Taiwan, China and France. The first day and a half is spent in the Similan Islands as usual visiting all the best spots on islands 7 and 9. Excellent visibility and some great drift dives due t...


Amazing time at Similan with Team Taiwan

 Author: | View 1682

Manta Queen 6 # 199 was ultimately a trip that will have important reminders about the Magic of Scuba Diving! We set off from Khao Lak with our full charter of guests from Taiwan. As we dropped in for a stunning check dive at Anita's, I was reminded of one of the most magical things about Scuba, any and all language barriers were dissolved the moment our heads went under. There we were, all...


Whaleshark and Manta Ray Combo

 Author: | View 1760

WHALESHARK! WHALESHARK! Get in the water! That's the call that echoed across Manta Queen 6. Our on-board Whaleshark expert, Judith, was able to spot the 4 meter long juvenile beauty from the back of our dive deck close to Richelieu Rock! Relaxing along side our boat, this majestic creature was waiting for us to jump in! As people scrambled to collect their snorkeling equipment and camera...


Similan Splendour

 Author: | View 1988

Manta Queen 5 # 59 Another great trip on Manta Queen 5. Leaving the pier from Khao Lak I could feel the excitement of the 4 people who were getting ready to start their PADI Open Water Course and be introduced the amazing world of Scuba Diving. With some excellent instruction they would all soon be great divers. We started the trip in the Similan Islands at Anita's Reef. It was a little ...


Once again Manta and Eagle Rays at the Similan Island Marine Park

 Author: | View 2468

Manta Queen 3 # 188 Manta Queen 3 set off on another fantastic voyage into the majestic Similian Islands. Straight away we realised that we would not let the occasional drop of rain dampen our spirits! After a bit of bonding in the short bus ride, we set sail. After everyone was settled into their cabins the boat briefing began with Joe, the Cruise Director, giving everyone a thorough (and very...


Manta Ray at Koh Bon spotted by Manta Queen 5

 Author: | View 2417

Manta Queen 5 Trip # 56 - MANTA RAY @ KOH BON ISLAND!! Another amazing trip on Manta Queen 5. Leaving the pier at Khao Lak I could tell this group of new found friends was going to have a great trip. From the start everyone meshed really well. Most relatively new divers were filled with anticipation of what the next three days would bring them! They were not let down one bit at all. We start...


Manta Queen 3 is back again from a spectacular 4 day and 4 night Similan Liveaboard trip

 Author: | View 2307

Manta Queen 3, Similan and Surin Liveaboard Trip # 185. Another 4 day and 4 night liveabaord trip in the spectacular Similan Islands this week on Manta Queen 3! We had awesone visibility throughout the entire trip! It helps to see things like the marlins and white tip sharks at Christmas Point, huge marble rays at Hin Luang, Schooling Barracudas at Koh Tachai Island and Napoleon Wrasse at Koh B...


Manta Queen 3 - Hello Whaleshark!

 Author: | View 2368

So, it was another fantastic four days in the Similan Island and Surin Island Marine parks for Manta Queen 3. We even had a Whaleshark on the last day of diving! So cool. After leaving Khao Lak pier our first day of diving produced some fine memories, and the night dive was exciting as well, being the first night dive ever for several of the guests onboard. After an amazing dinner everyone was ...


Manta Queen 3 - return of the Manta Ray

 Author: | View 2504

It was raining when Manta Queen 3 left the pier of Khao Lak to go on our 4 days and 4 night Similan liveaboard. We had a lot of different guests on the boat from different parts of the world with certification from PADI Open Water up to PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer and the mood on the boat was great even though the rain was pouring. The dives were great, the first day went easy when we st...


First Manta Ray of the season on Manta Queen 7

 Author: | View 2432

MANTA QUEEN 7 Trip 02.11.2015 On the 2. of November, Manta Queen 7, set out on trip number 37 towards the tropical Similan Islands. After a good night’s sleep we woke surrounded by beautiful blue waters, white sandy beaches and the famous nine Similan Islands. We dove "Anita's Reef", "West of Eden", "Deep Six" and to top it all off we plunged into the ...


Manta Queen 2 on the road again to the Similan and Surin Islands

 Author: | View 2336

Hey Ho, here we go! Manta Queen 2 Liveaboard is on the road again! Excited people all around the place, waiting for the trip leader to finish his endless (but very important) safety briefing, and to finally get to the point where the dive guides are giving the handsignals to descend into the blue water of Koh Bon Island. During some awesome dives, we discover the North and West­ridge of the...


Manta Queen 2: The Boat of the Rising Sun

 Author: | View 2433

Manta Queen 2 Trip 204 The Boat of the Rising Sun! ¨There is a boat in KSA, they call the Manta Queen 2, and it's been the home of 11 divers, and God knows, that I am one! My Dive Guides are some experts, they show some cooool fish. Our captain is Mr. Khao, down at the Andaman sea. Now the only thing a diver needs, is the dive gear and a tank.(and a guide ;-) And the only...


Manta Queen 7 first trip into the Similan diving season

 Author: | View 2400

On the 27 of October our Liveaboard Manta Queen 7, left the Khao Lak harbour of Thaplamu on first trip of the Similan and Surin dive season. On board were guests from all over the world including, Germany, England, Australia and China and excitement filled the air as we watched the fire crackers explode, wishing us good luck and safe voyage on our journey. When we woke we were surrounded...