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Blogs of KSA

Thailand dive release the kraken Manta Queen 7 5 days 5 nights

 Author: | View 12458

  A big congratulations to Nigel, Elodie, Zhu Shu and Wang Feng Zhou for completing their Advanced Open Water Courses on the boat and a big effort by all for reading their manuals in the sweels with sometimes exitting the saloon looking rather green... having a study break with the crwon on the dining deck and a few beers after diving they were ready to hit the books again... On...


Similan Island diving season a bunch of Manta Rays visit us at Koh Bon

 Author: | View 12542

  Then the next morning we another Manta Ray at Tachai Pinnacle! Awesome! Last season was so good in terms of the big fish being around, with many, many sightings of Mantas and Whalesharks nearly every week last season.   This year seems like we are off to a great start, with Mantas and Whalesharks already showing up in all of our Northern dive sites. Richelieu was in go...


Thailand Dive congratulations on your new diving certifications Manta Queen 3 trip 144

 Author: | View 13982

  If you have been thinking of diving in this part of Thailand be sure to check us out at khaolakscubaadventures.com. We have six liveaboard boats to serve your needs, and with early season visits from multiple Mantas and a Whalesharks already this year, it is shaping up to be a great season. We offer three day, four day and five day diving safaris featuring the best sites in the Simil...


Thailand PADI Divemaster DMT Course at Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

 Author: | View 16901

Many people think this sounds too good to be through, the step is to big to make and where is the catch?... Well…. I thought the same thing when I wanted to change my scubadiverlife and live the dream of scubadiving Thailand…. Now Many years later in Scubathailand I still have a laugh sometimes with my diving friends and dive-scuba IDC Staff here, about all these people not taking th...


Thailand Dive with Manta Queen 6, our 4nday 4 night liveaboard

 Author: | View 16679

  After the Similan Islands the Thailand Dive trip then heads north and enters the Surin National Park; this is home to the famous Richelieu Rock. This amazing dive site has enough life to keep every diver happy for multiple dives.   On this rock, which is situated 1 Hour away from the main Surin Islands, you can find small Sea Horses, Ghostpipe fish, Nudibranchs, Pipefish, ...


Thailand Liveaboard Seahorse

 Author: | View 9849

Similan Thailand Dive and liveaboard with Manta Queen 3

 Author: | View 2025

Similan Thailand Dive Scuba Diving and liveaboard with Manta Queen 3

 Author: | View 19856

  The Similan Dive trip not only includes the fantastic Similan Islands, where you can see everything from small macro life like Sea moths and Nudibranchs, all the way up to large schooling fish like Tuna and Trevally, in addition to the beloved Hawksbill and Green Turtles. If you are really lucky there are sometimes Black Tip and White Tip Reef Sharks cruising around, as well as Leopard S...


Season 2013/14 the Whaleshark and Manta Season :)

 Author: | View 17995

  Check it our and share the blog so that everyone can see what amazing Time you had going scuba diving or snorkeling on-board the Manta Queen Fleet in Thailand with Khao Lak Scuba Adventures 5 Star IDC Center.  ´   Visit our website: www.mantaqueen.com Visit our website: www.khaolakscubaadventures.com Contact us: online@khaolakscubaadventurescom


A BIG THANK YOU from KSA to ALL of Our Wonderful Guests This Season!!!

 Author: | View 21130

    There were all the Whalesharks, simply too many to count.         The Mantas, that came early this year to Koh Bon, and stayed late.     The little stuff was out all season in full force, from the smallest Clown Frogfish and baby Harlequin Shrimp, to the very special Cockatoo Waspfish. &n...


Last Trip of the Year on Manta Queen 1

 Author: | View 24330

      Due to a late pick up we didn’t leave the port til early in the morning and it wasn’t until an hour or two before wake-up that we arrived at our destination. The captain snuck in a couple winks as everyone else woke up to get their first taste of the Similan Islands.     Decorator crab on night dive   The diving starte...


Manta Queen 1, Comin' In HOT!!!

 Author: | View 28600

  We have also had so many little things to show this season. Everything from Ornate, Delicate and Robust Ghost Pipefish to Harlequin shrimp and many different types of Frogfish, this season has produced sweet surprises over and over again. The Mantas came early this year to Koh Bon, and stayed late. The White Tip Reef Sharks were more abundant this season than in years past, be...


Manta Queen 6/3 Trip 129/137, 26.04.14 - 30.04.14: Ukulele sing alongs, Mantas, Heat Wave and 10 new certifications.

 Author: | View 23964

  Manta Queen 6 took on a new role this trip, operating on a 4 day/4 night schedule to include the Similan Islands and it was hot, hot, hot!  With minimal breeze, the water was like glass for most of the trip and never so refreshing.      Diving the Similans meant a chance to explore around giant granite bolders, glide into swim throughs trimmed wit...


Manta/ Whale Shark Combo - Manta Queen 3 (1/5/14 -> 5/5/14)

 Author: | View 19773

      The first day was a nice introduction to the flora and fauna here, starting on Anita’s Reef as usual and a chance to get into the swing of things before we move onto the more challenging dive sites. Finishing things off with two great dives on West of Eden and Deep 6 before our one and only night dive back at Anita’s Reef and a well deserved dinner.  ...


Manta Queen 1, Diving the Similans and Seeing Sharks, Turtles, Manta Rays and More!

 Author: | View 19930

  The second dive of the day was at West of Eden. We saw so much great stuff - Octopus, Lobsters, Seamoths, and this really cool Frogfish. It's always a great dive there. Deep Six was next, with its awe-inspiring swimthroughs and fantastic topography. We found Morays, Tiger Cowries and even spotted two little Seamoths together. Nice! The night dive was at Turtle Rock,...