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Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen II does it again

 Author: | View 19626

    Tachai greets us with warm clear water and hardly any current as we approach low water, the barracudas are back with turtle and sea snakes, ghost pipe and bat fish, a great start to the trip.   Day 2 Richelieu rock   On our way to Richelieu the captain received a message from another dive boat already there that they had seen a whaleshark.....keeping this ...


Manta Rays, Whalesharks, Pilot Whales and Good Fun Aboard Manta Queen 2!!!‏

 Author: | View 20209

  We began this past trip as always, searching for Mantas on Koh Bon's West Ridge during our check dive. We saw none, but there were plenty of other great things to hold our attention. Rainbow Runners in the blue. Octopus and Moray Eels in amongst the rocks. Shrimps and Multibar Pipefish in the cracks and crevices. Dive two began with a briefing for Koh Bon Pinnacle. The pla...


Whalesharks and Mantas Yet Again for Manta Queen 2!!!

 Author: | View 21694

  Even our Panda Bear mascot got in on the action...   We dropped into the dive site with high hopes, and we were not disappointed. We saw Ornate Ghost Pipefish, A Blotched Fantail Ray, some really big groupers, a Black Banded Sea Snake... and a Manta Ray! She came to visit us when we were on our way to the safety stop. Did a few circles around all of the groups and then...


Manta Queen I Trip #38, ¨if you like Piña Colada...¨

 Author: | View 25155

  Speaking about the Manta Show, few groups had Mantas at Hin Luang and West Ridge right at the beginning of the day, but the Show started in our second dive, with at least 4 Mantas playing around back and forth along the whole dive, such a great dive!!!!, was really hard to pay attention to other subjects like Napoleon Wrasses, Sea Snakes, Devil Scorpionfish....., with this guys around....


Manta Queen 6 Trip 127: Getting up close and personal with 3 Mantas and 3 Whalesharks!! 19.04.14 – 22.04.14

 Author: | View 17462

    Koh Tachai was met with strong current yet again, but ghost pipefish, barracuda, bat fish, juvenile sweetlips and angel fish were still a highlight.  A more relaxing dive on the north reef was enjoyed later in the day at Sunset.  The day ended with the sound of a well earned beer being cracked open at dinner and our guests analysing the day&rsq...


Many Magical Mantas for Manta Queen 2 Trip #144

 Author: | View 20231

  After all that Manta action we headed North to Koh Tachai for two dives at Tachai Pinnacle. There we saw schooling Trevally and Fusiliers, along with many Ornate Ghost Pipefish. We had Batfish and Baraccuda, Moray Eels Black Banded Sea Snakes. A few lucky groups saw a Hawksbill Turtle on one of the dives, and two groups were fortunate enough to spot this cute littl...


Manta Queen I Trip #37 - (14-Apr-14) - Unexpected surprises

 Author: | View 20936

      Similans are bringing more ghost pipe fish than last year for sure. Anita's Reef is full loaded with this guys. West of eden, Elephant Head rock bring us the same guests as always. Seamoths, Ribbon eels, Sting rays, Nudis, Mantis Shrimps... and a cockatoo is discovered in Turtle rock in the night dive plus our couple of clown frog fish  well together and ...


Two Mantas, 2 Whale Sharks, a Black Tip Reef Shark and Naked Celebrations for Manta Queen 6 Trip 126, 15.04.14-18.04.14

 Author: | View 25700

      Manta Queen 6 set to sea on the 15th with another full boat of guests, 12 divers & 1 snorkeler. Our snorkeler Janice eager to blow bubbles too, participated in a PADI Discover Local Diving program, which allowed her 2 dives at Koh Bon & a chance to get up close & personal with a turtle.    w   Two Mantas, Wh...


ANOTHER WHALESHARK for Manta Queen 2 Trip #143!

 Author: | View 20192

  After two dives there we headed North to Koh Tachai for a few dives on Tachai Pinnacle. Always a treat, Tachai was in rare form this afternoon. We jumped in with clear blue water and very little current. On this dive there was plenty to see, with Ghost Pipefish, a huge Moray and a juvenile Emperor Angelfish being spotted almost the rocks. We also saw this really cute baby Yellow ...


Manta Queen #3 Trip 31

 Author: | View 18805

  Macro was at its peak with lowered visibility so we were all focused on the little creatures that surprise. Some of the most fantiastic nudibranchs with fun names such as the 'LSD nudi" and the "batwing nudi"...... Baby seamoths are some the the cutest things around and look like wind up toys you used to play with in the bath as a child...crawling on the san...


Manta Queen #3 Trip 129

 Author: | View 18970

  Anyway, even though it was a few weeks ago this trip still sticks in my memory as one of the best trips of the season. Weather was just fantastic with glassed out conditions on the surface and sunshine everyday without a cloud in the sky, All the beautiful creatures were out and about and with many photographers onboard the dives were slow and relaxed taking advantage of the 3...


Pink Hot Pants, "Super Divers" flying into the blue and Rubber Chicken Fish...oh my!

 Author: | View 22152

  From check in to check out Trip 125 has been a lot of fun. With a smaller group of 8 divers & 1 snorkeler, everyone on board became well acquainted with each other early on and the laughter flowed.   For the first time in a long time our big beauties of the sea failed to make an appearance, despite the crossed fingers & nipple rubbing for good luck. Spi...


Manta Queen I Trip #36, From the Biggest to the Smallest

 Author: | View 21775

  Ornate Ghostpipefishes like every single trip were present in most of the dives, being a perfect subject to train your eyes for the rest  of the creatures living in Similan Islands and around. One of the main attractions of Koh Tachai were the Mantas, we had manta in the 3 dives we did over there, that together with a Eagle Ray circling the top of the Dome for few minutes...


"No Sixer Diving Team" on Manta Queen 2!!!

 Author: | View 18900

  Whalesharks, Mantas, Eagle Rays, Shovelnose Rays, White Tip Reef Sharks, Bloched Fantail Rays, Jenkins Whiprays... and the list goes on... The first day we did Anita's Reef, West of Eden, Deep Six, and then a night dive on Turtle Rock. We also found time to hit the beach at Donald Duck Bay and walk up to the viewpoint at the base of Sail Rock. The dive at West of Eden pro...


Mantas & Whale Shark encounters on Manta Queen 6 Trip 124 7th - 10th April

 Author: | View 17271

        After two trips off it felt great to be back aboard Manta Queen 6 to head out with a new group of guests for another 3day/3night adventure in Similan & Surin Marine National Park. We got off to a flying start with sightings of Mantas on both dives at Koh Bon.          Tachai Pinnacle lived up to it'...