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Blogs of KSA

Mantas and sunet Whale Shark at Richelieu Manta Queen 3 Trip # 33 6th -> 10th April

 Author: | View 19019

  Day two and things picked up a notch underwater. First dive is nice and early on the rocky outcrop between the 8th and 9th Island in the Similans called Elephant Head Rock.  Lots of swim throughs and deep pinnacles to check out. One group was lucky enough to find two adult white-tip reef shark resting on the sand with a juvenile swimming around them. Dive two is one of the most nort...


Manta Queen I trip # 35 - (04/Apr/14) - Still out there!!!

 Author: | View 18546

                  We had a little change on the schedule due to the weather. We didn't go to elephant head rock and instead dove in Deep Six paying a visit to our old friends, our amazing couple of ribbon eels. Discovering that another seamoth came to the same spot where another seamoth was last season. The amou...


Manta Queen VI Trip 123

 Author: | View 19003

  Day 2   Tachai, Richelieu and Surin Island Dive one we were able to visit the outer pinnacle with plenty of groupers and bat fish. Dive two at Richelieu up to its usual standard of excellence with plenty of barracuda and trevally action Dive three was at Surin Island due to an increase in wind and waves, where we were pleasantly surprised with 8 to 10 blue spotte...


Many Marvelous Mantas for Manta Queen 2!

 Author: | View 20579

Next up were two dives at the fantastic Tachai Pinnacle. Ten minutes into dive number three and we had already seen five Ornate Ghost Pipefish, and we were staring at a huge Manta Ray circling directly over our heads! Winner!!! All of the divers on the boat saw at least one Manta, and a few of the groups saw two different Mantas over the course of the dive. Ssswwwweeeeeettttttt!!! ...


Manta Queen I Trip #34, The Manta vals, suite in Dome minor

 Author: | View 22490

  Another thing that amaze us this trip were this two Devil Scorpionfish kissing?, fighting?, mating?, what do you think?, were complitly  steady in that position. Again we founded the tiny Clown Frogfish at Richelieu Rock, the other Clown at Turtle Rock (this one got into a fight and loose one eye this last days, we think with the other clown frogfish living in the same are becaus...


Mantas and A Whaleshark (AGIAN!) for Manta Queen 2!!!

 Author: | View 18863

  We've got Mattias, Walter, Tom and Joe all teaching courses this trip, with ten Advanced students on board and one Nitrox course going as well.       The first dive was really good, with Spearing Mantis Shrimp, Giant Morays, Multi-bar Pipefish, and a Napoleon Wrasse all being seen. Also there were schools of Rainbow Runners, Dogtooth Tuna and ...


Manta Queen I Trip #33, Challenge Accomplished

 Author: | View 18854

  The Whale Shark appears in our Sunset dive at Richelieu Rock, such a goodbye gift from this stunning rock to us, totally the cherry on top the usual 3 dives over there. A whole dive enjoying the dance of this 5 meters female, who after several trips identifying her at Richelieu Rock we decided to call Bobtail. Of course Richelieu Rock delivers more things in the first two d...


Manta Queen VI Trip 121

 Author: | View 18780

    Day two Richelieu Rock.   Three dives here in this macro paradise and still there is more to see and more surprises in every crack, from pipe fish to harlequin shrimp and sea horses to the extreme with the biggest fish in the sea ...... The now almost all too common WHALE SHARK greeting us on dive three..... World class again   Day Three HTMS Pra Thong and...


Manta Queen 2, Spotting Mantas, & Nearly Everything Else!

 Author: | View 18961

  We dropped into the dive site with high hopes, and we were not disappointed. In addition to Napoleon Wrasse, Octopus, Moray Eels, Multi-bar Pipefish and these really cool Spearing Mantis Shrimp... We saw Mantas! At first it was just one, and then another. They are so beautiful, cruising around effortlessly in the currents, sometimes coming in quite close to take a good look...


MQ6, Trip 120 - Woohoo! Magnificent Mantas & Wondrous Whalesharks

 Author: | View 18080

   Our first dives proved fruitful at Koh Bon with 3 majestic mantas seen flying around the Ridge & surrounding areas. Manta mania ensued with another sighting at Tachai Dome later that day along with a glorious spiraling school of Chevron Barracuda.          Richelieu Rock held up it's reputation as the top divesite ...


Manta Queen I Trip #32, Thunderstruck

 Author: | View 22656

  Third one at Richelieu Rock, 2 new Frogfishes, one incredible tiny Clown Frogfish (Thank you Lianne for this one),  and a Freckled one living within the Brands of a Tubastrea Coral.   And now of course, the Big weapons!!, Mantas and Whale Sharks, with a amazing dive at Koh Bon West Ridge our second day, with at least 3 Mantas and a Whale Shark appearing for half of the boat...


Whaleshark Trifecta, Baby!!! Manta Queen 2 Trip 137!!!

 Author: | View 18803

  This trip was super fun for everyone. We had Mantas dancing together at Koh Bon on day one and a Whaleshark at Richelieu Rock on day two. Can't beat it. We began in the bay at Koh Bon, as always. Our first dive on the West Ridge was really nice, with Sweelips, schooling Yellow Snapper, Octopus, Multi-bar Pipefish and Spearing Mantis Shrimp. Dive two on the West Ridge tu...


Manta Queen 3 12 Feb -> 16 Feb

 Author: | View 18566

                  Third day and after more fun on Koh Tachai its off to Richelieu for the three dives. What a great site at the moment: ornate ghost pipefish like ornatments just covering the site top to bottom, seahorse, frogfish, harlequin shrimp, orangutan shrimp, huge octopus and a couple different schools of barracudas hanging on...


Manta Queen VI Trip 119

 Author: | View 18734

    Day Two   Richelieu Rock Always a winner, today we got to see why it's in the top ten..... All three dives with whaleshark and at times two , who come in to feed in the cold, plankton rich waters brought up from the deep by the spring tides, a festival of marine life feeding to their fill ..... An incredible dive from 30 to 3 meters   Day Three ...


Whalesharks (Again!), Mantas, Ghost Pipefish, Stonefish, Marble Rays... :-)

 Author: | View 19388

  Day one started with beautiful weather, flat seas, and anticipation. Over the first two dives on Koh Bon's famous "West Ridge", we saw all of the following: Octopus, Hook-jaw Moray, Multi-bar Pipefish, Ribbon Eel, Nudibranch, Ghost Boxer Shrimp, a huge Marble Ray and the largest Giant Moray ever! We saw Western Clownfish (Nemo) guarding their eggs, Spearing Mantis Shrim...