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Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen III (15/01/2014 -> 19/01/2014

 Author: | View 18984

                  Day two and the first dive is at the pinnacles of Elephant Head Rock and with the moon full last night everyone was briefed about strong current and how to deal with it. Knuckles were looking a little bit whiter than normal as they held the rails before jumping in. As we descended kicking over to the site we noticed there ...


Manta Queen III Trip 19 (26/01 ->30/01) In a world of our own!

 Author: | View 17334

              First dive at Elephant Head Rock is swim-though heaven and exploring the deep pinnacles. Current was also negligible which was amazing considering was we would be getting later in the day. Highlights were ornate ghost pipefish, octopus, giant barracuda, porcelain crabs and big spotted boxfish. Then to Christmas Point before heading up to Ko...


Manta Queen III Trip 18 (21/01 -> 25/01)

 Author: | View 18580

                The second day and first dive on Elephant head Rock gave some more surprises with a white-tip spotted as we cruised the sandy flats for a couple minutes before leaving us. The resident giant barracuda was swimming around the site and posing for photos and the sea-moth are still doing their thing (whatever that is). We keep heading...


Manta Queen I Trip #21, Manta, Clown Frogfish & School of Ghostpipefish ;-)

 Author: | View 23939

  Another really special think we spotted was a Juvenile Clown Frogfish, at Elephant Head Rock, white and red (the one you can see at the picture above), just 1 cm big we can say is the cutest frogfish of this season so far. Nice!!!!! For the macro lovers one of the most special things together with the Ghostpipefish and Frogfish was this huge nudibranch (Starry Asteronotus), actually...


Richelieu... Still ROCKS!!!

 Author: | View 19738

  We woke up on the first morning at Koh Bon as always... After an awesome check dive we went in again on the West Ridge for dive number two. Saw Multibar Pipefish, a Ribbon Eel, a Hookjaw Moray and so much more. We even saw this huge male Napoleon Wrasse visiting the dentist... Next up were two dives at Tachai Pinnacle. The sunset dive was especially nice, with ...


Manta Queen I, trip #20, Sharks, Ribbon Eels & Biggest Nudibranches ever!!

 Author: | View 21210

  Speaking about the Ribbon Eels, we specially love this special creatures, we saw 1 at West of Eden, 2 at Deep Six, 1 at Koh Bon West Ridge, 1 at The Dome and 2 at The Plateau, all of them males except one female. This Eels are all starting their lives being males (black), but are able to become females depends the needings (becoming blue), the black with a thick yellow ribbon in the ...


Manta Queen 2, Making Lemonade... and Spotting Mantas!!!

 Author: | View 18555

  It all started off as normal, with two dives at Koh Bon's West Ridge, followed by an afternoon dive at Tachai Pinnacle. The West Ridge is awesome, and continues to bear fruit. Mattias found no less than three Spearing Mantis Shrimp on one dive, and Dorianne's group was lucky enough to spot a White Tip Reef Shark cruising around the deep part of the ridge at about 30 meters. Y...


ANOTHER WHALESHARK at Tachai Pinnacle!!!

 Author: | View 19477

  Day two started out awesome and then just got better! Dive one was at a Elephant Head Rock - boulders, swimthroughs and our favorite family of four little Seamoths were the highlights of the dive. Then after an amazing breakfast it was on to the beach at Similan Island number eight, and the short walk up to the beautiful viewpoint overlooking Donald Duck Bay: C...


Life's a Beach on Manta Queen 3 (11/01/14->15/01/14 #16)

 Author: | View 18768

          Koh Bon and our search for mantas came up short but we still enjoyed multi-bar pipefish, napoleon wrasse, banded sea snake and devil scorpionfish. Also the ridge itself than comprises the main part of the dive site is beautifully covered in soft corals.         The best dive of the day had to be the sunset dive on...


Manta Queen I, trip #18, Macro lovers heaven

 Author: | View 22553

  Second day at Paradise, with a amazing sunrise next to island number 4 we sailed north to do our first one in one of the most knowed ones: Elephant Head Rock: This maze of huge granite boulders is always hiding amazing new surprises. We started with a Green Turtle sleeping underneath a boulder, a Marble Ray doing the same underneath another one, the smallest Devil Scorpionfish ever!!!...


A Whaleshark and Manta Ray on the Same Dive for Manta Queen 6's Second Voyage!!!

 Author: | View 17862

  Then it was on to Tachai for a few afternoon sessions. The sunset dive was incredible, with schools of Pickhandle and Chevron Baraccuda several hundred strong. A few Hundred Trevally were out hunting together, and one group was even lucky enough to see a mating pair of Napoleon Wrasse as well. The real treat came on the morning of day two. One of our dive guides Lucy had n...


Manta Queen III Trip 15 Sunshine and flat seas (6/1/14->10/1/14)

 Author: | View 19098

     Flathead on Night Dive   Second day began with sunrise and tea, our first dive on elephant head rock was amazing morning conditions for the second day in a row. For a site that is quite exposed and can sometimes feel like a washing machine, we had no problems cruising around the site. It was a great time to explore all the dive site has to offer. Last dive ...


Manta Queen I, trip #17, Love is in the.....water?

 Author: | View 19186

    But is not finishing there, in Koh Bon we stayed 2 minutes seeing how a Peacock Grouper was chasing away a Bearded Scorpionfish, the poor one was jumping from one rock to another one and trying to looks scary towards the Scorpionfish, but didn´t work at all the several times he try it. But the best was in our sunset dive at The Dome, where we stayed 20 minutes with a couple of m...


Manta Queen 6's Maiden Voyage! Tigertail Seahorse, Ghost Pipefish and a Toadfish!

 Author: | View 20920

  Running the usual North Schedule that Manta Queen 2 also runs, we start our trip the first day with two dives at Koh Bon. Then it's on to Koh Tachai for one dive on Tachai Pinnacle followed by a night dive on Tachai Reef. First day highlights included huge Napoleon Wrasse, schools of several hundred Barracudas and a very curious and  sociable Octopus. Day two at Tachai Pi...


Happy New Year From Manta Queen 3!!!

 Author: | View 18493

  At Koh Bon and Tachai Pinnacle, great schools of Trevally and Barracuda circled overhead, with Morays, lion fish and octopus below. It was stunning.Richelieu Rock was especially nice this trip, with excellent visibility and lots of life around. Special finds included eleven different cuttlefish, along with Zebra and Lattice tail Moray Eels. Sweet! On the final day we saw S...