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Blogs of KSA

Frogfish....sorry...Manta Queen I is back from her sixth trip

 Author: | View 21220

  Good morning!!!!, is time to wake up to get ready for our second day, and after a light breakfast and Briefing we jumped at Elephant Head Rock, where we founded 2 new Seamoths, the family is growing!!!!, 4 in total, and a White Tip Reef Shark. And with everybody back at the boat perfectly awake, we filled again our bellies with a full breakfast before the beach time, like always at Donal...


Manta Queen 2 #104 onboard M/V Excalibur

 Author: | View 21302

Manta Queen III Is Back!!!

 Author: | View 21302

   The diving was amazing, as always. Multiple White Tip Reef Sharks were spotted in the first few days, at classic Similan Island sites like Anita's Reef and Christmas Point. Frog fish were around again at West of Eden, and there was an absolutely huge Green Turtle that came around for a visit during the dive at Deep Six.  The diving on the last two days took us to Ta...


Manta Queen 1 Viaje 3 Clean Up

 Author: | View 22967

  A todos nos gusta viajar, visitar diferentes lugares y disfrutar de la naturaleza submarina. Para que esto continúe así debemos ayudar todos un poquito, poner nuestro granito de arena y mantener las playas y océanos limpios. Podemos disfrutar de un gran buceo o de un paseo relajante por la playa, y aprovechar esos momentos para recoger algo no cuesta nada…...


Manta Queen 1 Trip 3 Clean Up

 Author: | View 23476

  We all like to travel, to visit different places and see the amazing landscapes all over the world, in the surface or underwater…but if we don’t help to keep the environment clean, there will be a day where everything will be full of trash, we will spend all of our incomes in the place we live, there will be no point of traveling and enjoying life will be much more boring.&n...


Manta Queen I trip 5

 Author: | View 22735

                  Second day, Elephant head Rock is giving us the right energy for the day, and after this stunning place with such a peculiar underwater formations we stop in Donald Duck Bay to have 1 hour in the beach, where all our costumers enjoyed the white sand and great views from Sail Rock, the view point from the one you will be ...


MQ 2 Trip 103

 Author: | View 24074

      With Pasha doing his trumpet impression down the corridor everyone was wide awake for the second day and luckily for them what a day we had. Another easy dive to the deeper side of Koh Tachai The Dome and off to the famous Richelieu Rock. After explaining that this is the best dive site in Thailand you could already tell underwater that the cus...


First DMT for the season

 Author: | View 24442

  Like i said before I've been here for two seasons now so I knew that Khao Lak Scuba Adventures had a great team and a lot of customors who where doing a lot of courses, that means a lot of opportunities for me to do lots of assisting and become a compitent divemaster.  So that was some backround to why Im here, lets jump in to some of the things I've been doing. A...


Manta Queen 3 Trip #2

 Author: | View 23200

So Blessed be the gods that deliver the sharks as they were sighted on Anita's Reef on the first dive of the trip and also on Deep Six where quiet a curious one swam around for a couple of groups. Highlight for a few was the night dive where a baby white tip was spotted and repeatedly swam around us.  What really made this trip was the people... what can i say, they made this a fu...


Manta Queen I, fourth trip

 Author: | View 21691

  Our second day and we got already people to  congratulate, our brand new open water divers, Dorien, Katrien, Stephanie & Bart ,not a bad place to do it, isn't? We did our dives in Elephant Head Rock, Three Trees and Christmas Point before our first sunset dive in Koh Bon, the only island of this whole area made by limestone insted of Granite Boulders. Now dinner time wit...


Dive against debris Manta Queen II

 Author: | View 20679

  I gave a briefing on what is Project Aware, what it goals are and also the ten top tips on protecting the environment, followed by informing everybody that they would all be participating in a Dive Against Debris Clean Up on every dive every day. As this was the first trip for MQII we expected to find a lot of fishing debris from the closed season but we were pleasantly surprised as w...


Manta Queen 3 Trip #101 is in the Books!

 Author: | View 21632

  Richelieu... Rocks!!! Three dives on Richelieu Rock today, and we all wanted more! After a sunrise dive at Tachai, we cruised for several hours over calm seas to Richelieu. The first dive we had a huge school of large Emperor fish feeding on glassfish among the rocks. So much activity, with the large fish darting this way and that, chasing after what looked to be an easy meal for the...


Manta Queen 2 Trip 101

 Author: | View 22597

Manta Queen I, her third trip

 Author: | View 22121

by yourself once there. A little bit cloudy the second day morning?, no worries, false alarm, again the sun came out with full power to join us in our beach break, is so great to be there right before the people is arriving from the mainland, is making it twice enjoyable. After that a nice dive in our particular massive Sea Fans place before we started to head north to Koh Bon. But, wait, what ...


Second trip on board Manta Queen I

 Author: | View 23089

  Second day, we got two dives left in similans before heading north to Koh Bon and Koh Tachai, and we got the most from those ones, Elephant Head Rock, were everybody loved one of the most enjoyable dives between this maze of massive granite boulders, swim throughs, channels..., and North Point, with impressive Sea Fans, spotting turtles and white tip Reefs Sharks together with the us...