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Blogs of KSA

Endo of Season Manta Ray show!

 Author: | View 1661

The new moon has come around and the Mantas Rays are back! Let’s see how long it will last this time around! Similan Islands 3 day and 3 night trip with Manta Queen 2 trip number: 244 set off on April 9, heading straight for the famous Koh Bon Island for the first dive in the morning. (Our pre-Songkran cleansing trip before the holiday purge hehe ;-). Our boat was full of PADI studen...


Fantastic trip with Mike the Manta, Barry the Barracuda, Dori the Napoleon Wrasse, Minimi the Ghost Pipefish, Ed the Sea Horse, Shreck the Frog Fish and many other close friends..

 Author: | View 1551

Similan Island 5 day and 5 night Liveaboard with Manta Queen 7 Trip number: 67 MANTA!!! That was the word of the trip. Our trip started out from our well known local habour in Khao Lak. Here a small group of diverse nationalities climbed onto the lovely Manta Queen 7 where they would spend the next 5 days and 5 nights on their Similan Island dive trip. Day one started out in the breathtak...


Dive Staff Trip: East coasters meet with West coasters on the ¨WEast¨-Coast Trip

 Author: | View 1641

WEAST COAST Trip, where East Coast dive staff meets the Weast Coast dive Staff. It's almost the end of our beautiful season and at this time of year we gather instructors and divemasters from all over Thailand to have some fun with us on a Professional divers only trip, where the East Coasters meet the West Coasters, we've got divers working in Koh Tao, Koh Samui, Krabi, Phi Phi an...


Manta Festival at Koh Bon

 Author: | View 1563

Manta Queen 6 Trip Number 228, Similan Island 4 days and 4 nights liveaboard. First dive on our trip to the Similan Islands was in Anitas reef. Gentle white sandy slope to begin.a nice easy dive. So much life is going on in those corals and sands (scorpion fish, lion fish, giant moray eels)....wow!. Then we did the second dive at West of Eden where luckely we found frogfish and the resident of ...


Jackpot at Richelieu Rock, 2 Whalesharks seen by divers on Manta Queen 2

 Author: | View 1475

What an epic, amazing, fantastic trip we had on Manta Queen 2 on our 3 days and 3 nights Similan Island Liveaboard trip number 247. We have started our journey at Koh Bon Island with 17 guests on board. Right from the first dive we were all very happy and excited. On the first dive in Koh Bon Bay we found multiple moray eels, scorpion fish, sea snake and few groups were extremely lucky to en...


End of the Season Whaleshark run...

 Author: | View 1410

Whoop-whoop! Another awesome cruise into the Andaman Sea!!!! We started our first day from "Koh Bon Island" where we were very lucky to have Mantas from the very first dive!!! Beautiful creatures swimming and dancing with us! After 3 dives with these beauties we went to "Koh Tachai Island" to do night dive where we had morays, cuttlefish, pigmy squid and other night creature...


Huge Manta Ray spotted by divers of Manta Queen 2

 Author: | View 1519

It all started somewhere about 80 km away from mainland Khao Lak. Similan Island Liveaboard trip Manta Queen 2 Trip Number 246. With only 14 people on board of Manta Queen 2 it felt very private and promising. For the first dive we jumped in Koh Bon Island Bay and slowly current took us to the Koh Bon West Ridge where Giant Manta Ray been spotted by one of the guest! We also found maldivian ...


Juvenile Whale Shark spotted at Koh Bon Island in the Similan Islands Marine Park

 Author: | View 1493

Similan Island Liveaboard Manta Queen 1 trip number 220 left Khao Lak pier on the night of 12th May & sailed towards the lovely Similan Islands for our 15 dives, 4 Day adn 4 Night dive trip. We got really lucky on this trip to be diving with the playfully curious Oceanic Manta Rays at Koh Bon Island, a small island some 20 miles north of the Similan Islands. Some of us even had a juvenile W...


Mantas during an PADI Open Water Course at Koh Bon Island!

 Author: | View 2355

Similan Island Liveaboard Manta Queen 3, Trip Number 218. What an amazing trip we had! Manta Queen 3 was lucky to have Manta Rays on 5 dives flying above below and all around us. This 4 days and 4 nights Similan Island Liveaboard trip was only beginning! Leopard shark, huge great barracudas, white tip reef sharks, napoleon wrasse, porcupine ray, marble rays and harlequin shrimps we were looking...


Best Trip Report of the Season - Thanks Geri for this fantastic Blog!

 Author: | View 1623

Similan Island Liveaboard Trip with Manta Queen 6 Cruise Number 227 his dream is over.. the sunshine, palm trees, beautiful beaches with white sand and blue water is all gone, because someone is yelling in the hallway waaay too early in the morning...,, Wakey-wakey, rise and shine! "Welcome to the Similan Islands!" Haaaang on a bit! Isn't it just the- *looking out the window at...


We love Koh Tachai!

 Author: | View 1621

Similan Island Liveaboard with Manta Queen 2 Trip Number 243. As always we started our journey with two dives in at Koh Bon Island. Three amazing dives with some strange currents that brought us big schools of fish, family of napoleons and many other fish. Few groups were lucky to spot swimming by turtle, also as always we found few maldivian sponge snails, and some really cool multi bar an...


Manta Queen 6 voyage 226 to the Similan Islands and Richelieu Rock

 Author: | View 1618

Similan Island Liveaboard Manta Queen 6 Trip Number 226 On a clear and wonderful night Manta Queen 6 set out of Khao Lak on its 4 day 4 night trip, aboard a very excited and enthusiastic team of 14 Taiwanese guests and two dive instructors, one from Holland and one from Germany to explore the Similan Islands. Day one started with a dive at Anitas Reef where we enjoyed being surrounded by gla...


Oh my God, they’re back agaaain!

 Author: | View 1598

♬“Oh my God, they’re back agaaain! Man-ta’s back, al-right!”♫ (Backstreet Boys, we love you!) It’s getting towards the end of the season and nobody counted on the sweet surprises the Similan Islands had in store for this trip! The MANTAS are back! Three beauties circling at the Similan Island dive site of Christmas Point and one of them an all black male! Then ...


30 meters visibility at Richelieu Rock

 Author: | View 1769

Another great trip on Manta Queen 2, Similan Island Liveaboard trip number 242! With 18 guest on board from all over the world: Romania, UK, Sweden, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Holland and US we set sail to the Similan Islands. First day as usual we start with wake u call at 6 am near Koh Bon Island where we stayed for three awesome dives during which we saw tonnes of marine life. Between three dives...


Another Manta show at Koh Bon Island on the Similan Island Marine Park

 Author: | View 1576

Similan Island Liveaboard with Manta Queen 7, Trip Number: 63 Once upon a time, when waters were blue and skies were clear, there was a boat filled with a diverse group of keen divers. They set off on the 6th of April, the waves steadily carrying Manta Queen 7 towards the Similan Island National Marine Park. Their adventure started off at the Similan Islands with a dive at Anitas Reef, West ...