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5 days 5 nights in Paradise, Manta Queen 7 returns from Similan Islands

Blogs of KSA

5 days 5 nights in Paradise, Manta Queen 7 returns from Similan Islands

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Manta Queen 7 Trip Number 69 to Similan Islands and beyond.

Although it's the longest trip offered by Khao Lak Scuba Adventures, all would agree it ended too soon. We would like to thank the guests on board for their great attitude and humour on this trip. We had so much fun with you and hope that you enjoyed it as much (or more). Actually, we have a few guests already booking their next trip so this is a good indicator already!

From our first dive at Anita's Reef we got spoilt with marine life. The shy octopus was all over the dive sites, turtles were checking us out on many dives also. One of our groups were lucky enough to see three white tip reef sharks chilling under a rock. There were some cool kuhl's stingray to be found on many sites and the well camouflaged scorpion fish seemed to be easily spotted by our keen divers. At this point we need to mention the barracudas.... so many of them 'storming' around our divers at Koh Tachai Dome.

We had two hawksbill turtles swimming around the boat during our surface interval entertaining the guests. On our way from one dive site to the next we also saw dolphins hanging out with the boat. We were having such a good time it seemed everyone wanted to be on Manta Queen 7.

Congratulations to Thomas who completed his PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) certification onboard. Enjoy your extended bottom times and come back to see us again soon!

Congratulations also to our Chinese guests who managed to improve their diving skills in the strong currents. It was great to see the progress of some of the newer divers this trip.

We had two of our PADI Divemaster trainees, Patrick and Nick, onboard this trip who completed many of their required skills and theory. Like the turtles mentioned above they also spent a lot of time swimming around the boat during surface intervals. They also completed their PADI Deep Dive Specialty.

Thank you to all the wonderful guests we had onboard for making this a memorable first trip of the season for Manta Queen 7.

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