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Adverse weather predictions causes trip change and unexpected Whaleshark encounter at Koh Bon Island

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Adverse weather predictions causes trip change and unexpected Whaleshark encounter at Koh Bon Island

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Manta Queen 1 Similan Island Liveaboard Trip Number 157

Weather predictions were more conducive for us to start our trip at Koh Bon Island at the Similan Marine National Park.

A good start it was with an awesome good 1st dive with amazing visibility, followed by a most brilliant 2nd drift dive from the Koh Bon North Ridge to the West Ridge of Koh Bon Island. We then set off to Koh Tachai Island with a boat full of international guest hailing from Europe and Asia. Dive 3 at "The Dome" was challenging but what a great experience for our 9 PADI Advanced Open Water students! We finished the day off with a sweet night dive at Tachai Island bay where some of us chanced upon 2 mating octopus. The group with more than a thousand dives between us has NEVER seen something like that before. Really cool.

Dive 1 on day 2 saw us again at "The Dome". Friendlier conditions made it much easier for us. Beautiful corals and magnificent marine life was what greeted us. What a way to start the day! Dive 2 on Koh Bon Island surprised us with a Whale Shark encounter! What a day so far! We did one more dive at Koh Bon Island and ended the day with a sunset dive at Breakfast Bend.

Day 3 kicked off with a lovely morning dive at North Point on Island 9 of the Similan lslands where a turtle decided to join some of us for a safety stop. We were then off to Elephant Head Rock where we enjoyed the beautiful and thrilling swimthroughs. 3rd dive saw us at Turtle Rock, where some of our PADI Advanced Open Water students completed their navigation dive. Well done guys! Sunset dive at Donald Duck bay was filled with macro as we enjoyed sightings of pipefishes, shrimps & nudibranches. We finished off the day with a beer filled evening coupled with good food and lots of dancing!

Our last day started nice and easy with our first dive at Three Trees. Big Tunas, stingrays and cleaner shrimps were the order of the day. After breakfast we had an amazing drift dive on the North Ridge of Koh Bon Island. Last but not least was a wreck dive at Boonsung Wreck. "The Fish Soup" did not disappoint as we enjoyed schools of pufferfish, catfish, batfish, honeycomb morays and two huge cobias sharing their space with us. Great end of the trip!

We hope to see you all again here at Khao Lak Scuba Adventures your most popular Similan Island liveaboard dive tour operator.

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