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Again Whaleshark at Boon Sung Wreck

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Again Whaleshark at Boon Sung Wreck

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Fantastic trip!!!! Whaleshark!!

Manta Queen 2 Liveaboard Trip Number 213

It all started near the island of Koh Bon at the Similan Island Marine National Park where we did our first two dives.

During the first couple of dives we have already spotted some really cool marine life like ribbon eels, Maldivian sponge snails, schools of emperor snappers hunting together with golden trevallies. Few groups saw family of napoleons swimming by.
Later we sailed to island of Koh Tachai where we dived The Dome. Between two dives we've done there we saw tornado of barracudas, giant trevallies, octopus, sea snake hundreds of fusiliers getting chased by tunas and jack fish and many other cool creatures.

Following day we made three dives in Richelieu Rock where we found a lot of amazing marine life. As always our residents sea horses were there, we witnessed cuttlefish date, different pipe fishes and nudibranches, schools of different barracudas and a lot lot more. Richelieu Rock always rocks!

Last day of the trip - we were back to Koh Bon Island. Early morning dive in amazing Koh Bon Hin Luang brought us a lot of fish action also a juvenile leopard shark that was peacefully resting on the sanding bottom, octopus and also few groups were lucky to spot a huge black-spotted eagle ray while doing their safety stop. On the second dive of the day we did drift from the Koh Bon North Ridge with spearing mantis shrimp, big schools of emperor snappers, sea snakes, huge school of barracudas and an amazing octopus show.

It was time to get head back to our last dive spot Boonsung Wreck. When we jumped visibility was not so great because of amount of plankton in the water. Then suddenly from nowhere a Whaleshark appeared! This amazing fantastic animal was feeding while swimming in between the groups. It came very close as it was curious of divers bubbles. We had fantastic 30 minute show from mister Whaleshark. Coming on the boat we all were very happy about our last amazing dive and could not hold the emotions!

Special congratulations to Betty, Caroline, Alex and Ana for completing their PADI Nitrox Course - well done guys!
Ulrica became PADI Open Water Diver and then also did her advanced course with amazing instructor Natalie.
Also congrats to Mattieu and Maite - also did their PADI Advanced Open Water course with instructor Judith. Maria did her deep dive and can now officially go to 30 meters. Well done everyone!!!

What an amazing bunch of people we had on the boat, very sad to say goodbye, we hope to see you soon!

Thanks a lot for this great trip from the Team of Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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