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Another Wahleshark sighting at Koh Bon Hin Luang - fantastic season start at the Similan Islands!!!

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Another Wahleshark sighting at Koh Bon Hin Luang - fantastic season start at the Similan Islands!!!

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Welcome on-board folks!

“Gooood morning everyone! The Similan Islands are waiting for you” said two of the diving instructors.
For those who don’t drink coffee, a first dive at West of Eden is just the perfect way to wake up. On the diving menu were Turtles, Giant Mantis Shrimp, Frog Fish, and a group of rainbow runners swimming around like a group of 5 year old kids in a playground.
Back on the boat every is guided to the dining area by the amazing smell of eggs and bacon. Yummy!
After a generous breakfast, we went diving at Deep Six between the Giant Puffer fish and the Giant Trevallies testing our skills in the surge. With them, Simon doing his 100th dive and doing it right! Naked dive! Congrats Simon!
After a deserved break trying not to fall asleep while watching the PADI Nitrox course video, it’s already time for the next underwater adventure. Elephant Head Rock and his impressive big boulders and swim throughs. A Giant Barracuda have a dispute with a group of Giant Trevally under the watchful eyes of Miss and Mister Clown fish. This was better than Netflix.
At Donald Duck bay everybody went for a small hike on one of the most beautiful beaches in the Similan Islands on Island no.8. Under a beautiful sunset, MQ1 took to the seas again to Mooring Bay for our first night dive. A group of Lobster took cover underneath a rock while a shy octopus got ready for a night of hunting. Once back onboard our diner was served; Yellow pork curry, ginger chicken, stir fried vegetables and Thai soup with smooth music in background. We couldn’t wait for tomorrow! 

Early morning woke up call at 6am today. Ooooh Yeah! I see this funny curly hair guy coming out of his cabin, music in the ears and dancing like JLO. From that moment i knew that this day would be a great day. Good morning! 
North point and its lovely and wonderful sea life… blue spotted sting rays, pipe fish, giant grouper… and let's not forget the new resident of the Similans, the big… the yellow… the amazing… GIRAFFE FISH ;) ‘Le giant poison giraffe de Oliver.’ Christmas point was up next, the current gave us hard work from the start. Swimming between the big boulders and the Giant Moray Eels was not easy but fun too. We made it until the very nice soft coral garden at the south side, where a huge Napoleon Wrasse passed by and wished us all luck on the way to Koh Bon. Thanks dude! After the 2 morning dives, it was nice to do a chilled out dive at Koh Bon North Ridge. The Napoleon was not there but another Giant Barracuda showed up in the blue. One octopus was having a dispute with a baby Giant Trigger Fish for a peace of crab leg. It’s like everybody is starving underwater, not like us on the boat… “Dive & Eat” 4 times a day… we can say without a doubt that we are working hard on our positive buoyancy. ;)
The sunset is always an amazing moment to dive. The Groupers were having a clean between big rocks, helped by the little blue Cleaner Wrasse looking for some tasty bacteria to eat. Trevally were hunting in between big schools of Glass Fish hidden in yellow, purple and white corals. Fusiliers swimming on top of the Dome looking for a nice and protected place where to spend the night. The sky is full of stars tonight, actually the night is perfect to spend some chilled out time with awesome people and a glass of good Scotch from Becca.

Good morning folks! What else than to start a day with a awesome and colourful dive at The Dome. Followed by 3 epic dives at one of the best dive site of Thailand, Richelieu Rock. Two HARLEQUIN SHRIMPS were found inspecting the neighbourhood like Greek grannies on a balcony. Mister and Miss Cuttle Fish were passionately busy to extend their family next to a turtle taking a nap. An octopus was proudly showing his tentacles when suddenly he disappeared into a crack and shot some ink when he saw a teenage Giant Moray swimming in his direction. 539 Jacks where having a big party turning around like a tornado. Snappers, Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Pipe Fish, Giant Barracuda, Trevally, Glass Fish, Needle Fish, Clown Fish, Sea Stars, Scorpion Fish, Lion Fish and purple Anemones were all happily singing and dancing together in the swing of a light surge. Once back to reality we had the surprise of a majestic sunset while waiting for the boat to pick us up. Sandrine, Simon and Celine succeed in their Padi Nitrox exam. Congrats to you both! To celebrate we had a few drinks, Rich’s amazing photo slideshow and some live guitar by Amal. Yihaaaa!

Not much to say but… WHALE SHARK at Hin Luang! No current and 20m visibility! The 4m long baby Whale Shark gave us an awesome show swimming between and around us for 30 minutes. What a gift from nature! Koh Bon West Ridge, the Maldivian Sponge Snails were still there walking on the wall. After 3 hours relaxing on the boat, we headed to Boonsung Wreck. Boonsung is not only a wreck it’s also a nursery for a lot of babies fish including Barracudas, Snapper and Scorpion Fish. Porcupine Fish are the masters of this place. Turn your head left and you see 7 of them. Turn your head right and see 5. On top of you 3 more and they are very curious one coming right in front of your face to see what kind of strange bubble making fish you are. Look down and you will see Blue Spotted Stingrays in the sand. If you go to the South part of the wreck you have a place called the Nudibranch Motel and it’s not only a fancy name, Nudi’s are everywhere!

Shem and Matt, these two USA legends came on the boat with only 4 dives and finished the trip with 15 more and an Advanced Open Water Course in the pocket. Congratulations guys!!! To all our amazing guests from around the world; Mike, Chris, Olivier, Sandrine, Juniper, Simon.D, Shem, Matt, Polo, Celine, Becca, Xue, Han, Charlie, Sam , Simon.H, & Amal. Thank you guys for a great time, the music shows, the great Scotch and for making it so easy for us to love our job.

From Khao Lak Scuba Adventure MQ1 Trip 272 THANK YOU!!!

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