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Biggest Napoleon Wrasse sppoted ever at the Richelieu Rock - Manta Queen 5 Trip Report

Blogs of KSA

Biggest Napoleon Wrasse sppoted ever at the Richelieu Rock - Manta Queen 5 Trip Report

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Manta Queen 5 heading to the Similan Island Marine Park

Trip 20 for Manta Queen 5 this season leaves Khao Lak Pier with 17 Korean and 4 Scandinavian guests. Most of our ‘Scandi’s’ are doing their PADI Advanced Open Water course on their Similan liveaboard trip, so there’s some studying to be done for them. Most of our Korean’s are very experienced divers and brought some serious camera’s with them, not sure if that leaves any editing.

On our first day of our 3 day 3 night liveaboard trip we dive Koh Bon Island and Koh Tachai Island as usual. The current is there, but it’s not too crazy. The visibility is amazing again. We see the napoleon wrasse, a great baracuda, lobsters, mantis shrimp, many many lion fish and so much more. We finish the day with a night dive on Tachai reef, a great dinner with the best chicken and an early night for most of us.

The second day is mostly spend on Richelieu Rock and as always it doesn’t disappoint. Amazing visibility, a massive large Napoleon Wrasse, lots of cuttlefish action going on, a seahorse, ghost pipefish and so on. As usual it’s a great diving day. Team Korea ends the day with a party.

On our last day we start with Koh Bon Hin Luang, continue with one last dive on Koh Bon Island and finish on the Boonsung Wreck near Khao Lak.

Without a doubt there were some great pictures taken. Also we now have three more PADI Advanced Open Water divers among us; Rikke, Lisa and Joakim, congratulations!!!

Another good trip with a great team of divers!

The Team of Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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