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Congratulation to our 12 new PADI Dive Instructors for passing their Instructor Examination

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Congratulation to our 12 new PADI Dive Instructors for passing their Instructor Examination

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Padawans* becoming Jedi!

Once upon a time 12 fearless Padawans from all around the planet joined Khao Lak Scuba Adventures to become brave and excellent dive instructros. Their Jedi Masters Padi Course Director Thien X Do, PADI Master Instructor Darren Yang and Hardik Datanwala took on the challange to train them in the use of the PADI teaching system, the dive standards and to fine tune their teaching skills.

After almost 3 weeks of hard training, countless weightless exercises in the inner space of our pool and the outer space of the Andaman Sea, academic lessons in our Khao Lak Scuba Adventures spaceship and in the use of the PADI teaching skills they all finally passed the PADI Instructor Examination on the 20.12. and 21.12.2017.

No information was offered on the IE party in Patong, Phuket :-)

Congratulations to:

Nick Montagu, Pimlux Purdy, Stephane Dube, Ausha Radwan, Federica Amato, Roxanne Ames, Kristofer Olbrich, Henriette Rebecca Harder Bardrum, Nick Harden, Hai Xin Loke, Sylvain Champy

Special Thanks to:

Khao Lak Scuba Adventures PADI Course Director Thien X. Do, PADI Master Instructors Darren and Hardik, Head Instructor and HR Manager Fai Winyukul, PADI Regional Manager Andy Auer and PADI Examiner Brendon.

Next lot of Padawans ready to start their PADI Instructor Development course on the 10.01.2017

May the Air be with You!

*Star Wars Movie: Padawan, also known as a Padawan Apprentice trains in the Jedi Order to one day become a Jedi. If you are interested in joining the Khao Lak Scuba Adventures Jedi Order please send email to education@khaolakscubaadventures.com

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