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Dive against debris Manta Queen II

Blogs of KSA

Dive against debris Manta Queen II

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I gave a briefing on what is Project Aware, what it goals are and also the ten top tips on protecting the environment, followed by informing everybody that they would all be participating in a Dive Against Debris Clean Up on every dive every day.

As this was the first trip for MQII we expected to find a lot of fishing debris from the closed season but we were pleasantly surprised as we found all the sites to be in excellent condition, however we still managed to bring back nearly two full bin liners of fishing net, rope, metal and general flotsam over the three day trip.

Levels of participation were good but I want to see more interest and motivation on the following trips....

When we start to come back from dives empty handed that will be a sign of our success......

Bring on the next trip[embed=gallery]{"file":"/","place":"user:64"}[/embed]

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