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Diving with a Manta Ray at Similan Islands

Blogs of KSA

Diving with a Manta Ray at Similan Islands

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Similan Island Liveaboard Trip number 85, 3 amazing days onboard Manta Queen 3

What a fantastic trip!

We greeted our guests for a 3 day and 3 night liveaboard in the Similan Islands on March 10th early in the morning.

We awoke in Hideaway Bay and were treated to some of the most pristine islands that the Similan Island Marine Park has to offer. We did dive sites such as West Ridge and Hin Luang at Koh Bon Island, Anita’s Reef and the Dome of Doom at Koh Tachai Island.

We were surprised with a first of a kind Manta Ray encounter by our staff and guests to a Manta Ray saying hello to us on Deep Six at about 20 meters. It was absolutely breath taking!

We would like to thank everyone who came aboard. We would like to congratulate Anders, on his PADI Advanced Open Water Course, Morgane and Mehdi on doing their back to back PADI Open Water and PADI Advanced Open Water certifications, and finally Aleksandra and Krystyna on their PADI Open Water Course!

Sea you underwater again in the Similan Islands, Koh Bon Island and Koh Tachai!

Alexander Harris dive guide on Manta Queen 5 and his dive team from Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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