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Epic Similan Island trip on Manta Queen 3

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Epic Similan Island trip on Manta Queen 3

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Similan Island Liveaboard Trip Number 214 onboard Manta Queen 3

What a wonderful trip aboard Manta Queen 3 for her 214th voyage to the Similan and Surin Island national parks! The diving has been so great this season with sightings of almost everything imaginable, both large and small. This trip was no different, as we had everything from Pygmy Pipehorses to Manta Rays, and seemingly everything in between.

Day 2 Koh Bon’s West Ridge was an amazing show, as always. We saw the velvety black bumps of Maldivian sponge snails and boxer shrimp trying to hide in the cracks. A bartail moray showed us its heavy eye make-up, a hook-jaw moray clacked its teeth at us and a most elegant female Napoleon made the rounds in the shallows. And then there were the mantas cruising by at the end! The dive next door at Hin Luang gave us a big marble ray flapping its wings and a leopard shark zipping past. Our logbooks didn’t seem to have enough space to write it all down.

Day 3 brought us white tip reef sharks at Koh Bon North Point and the Similan Island dive site of Christmas Point! Then off to Koh Bon Island where a Manta Ray gave us a show on the Koh Bon West Ridge!
Next stop was Koh Tachai. Strong currents brought us baracuda schools and a gigantic Napoleon wrasse! After the second dive on the pinnacle we were underway to 3 dives on Richelieu Rock. Clear blue water gave us great visibility for the best dive site in Thailand! Cuttlefish, octopus, baracudas, frogfish, seahorse, ghost pipefish and more fish than you can imagine!

Day 4 and final day of the trip! Back at the island of Koh Bon. We woke up early for the first dive at Hin Luang. Right away we se a leopard shark just chilling on the floor and we also saw octopus and stonefish. Great! We did one more dive at the West ridge before we drove towards mainland for our 3rd and final dive of the trip, boonsung wreck. The abundance of marine life and the huge schools of juvenile fish at the wreck was amazing as always. Sadly this was the end of our trip and we Arrived safely back at the pier in the afternoon.

Thank you everyone for an epic trip. Hope to see you all again!

The Team of Manta Queen 3 powered by Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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