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First DMT for the season

Blogs of KSA

First DMT for the season

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Like i said before I've been here for two seasons now so I knew that Khao Lak Scuba Adventures had a great team and a lot of customors who where doing a lot of courses, that means a lot of opportunities for me to do lots of assisting and become a compitent divemaster. 

So that was some backround to why Im here, lets jump in to some of the things I've been doing.

After I filled out all my paperwork and paid my course Geoff booked me on MQ1's first trip to Similans. 

It's a 4 days and 4 nights liveaboard, the program looks like this:

Day 1 Anita's Reef, West of Eden, Deep Six, Anita's Reef (night dive)

Day 2 Elephant head Rock, Christmas Point, North Point Isl.9, Koh Bon West Ridge

Day 3 Koh Tachai, Richelieu Rock, Richelieu Rock, Richelieu Rock

Day 4 Koh Bon Pinnacle (hin Luang), Boonsung wreck

It was amazing, Similans has really recoverd a lot since last season with new soft corals and loads of fishes.

Even the sharks are starting to come back or is it just that we are very lucky to see them ;)

So what did I do on this trip:

I was assisting some fun dives with Geoff and a french couple and we saw a Mobula ray (Devils Ray) at deep six, it was pure magic.

Cleaning up Richelieu Rock from "long lined fishing lines" was fun and a good experince.

Getting familiar how it works on dive boats, studying some chapters in the Divemaster book. Had my first dive briefing with mixed results, but hey, you need to practice to be good at something right ;)

And of course taking care of the divers and make them feel good, which means sitting and chatting over a beer during the night time after all the dives.

It's actually fun that in the dive community it does'nt mather where you are from and what you do back home cuz everyone is interested is the same thing.....DIVING and the aquatic life.

I've been doing some other stuff after the trip but more about that some other time.

Peace out// Chris


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