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Former guest on Manta Queen 1 becomes new dive staff member at Khao Lak Scuba Adventures!

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Former guest on Manta Queen 1 becomes new dive staff member at Khao Lak Scuba Adventures!

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Hello everyone, my name is Adeline and I’m am from France. Currently I am a PADI IDC Staff Instructor and soon I will be woking with Khao Lak Scuba Adventures.

I’m in relationship with the ocean since 8 years, when I tried diving for the first time, in the Indian Ocean, I knew this is my passion and I wanted to follow my feeling to become a PADI Pro in Thailand. After I came back from Thailand I visited the Caribbean Sea and did some diving in the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately my old job in France took so much time out of my life that I caould not follow my dream to become a PADI dive prefessional and make my dream come true.

3 years ago I came back to Thailand and I did a liveaboard at the Similan Islands with Khao Lak Scuba Adventures "The Manta Queen Fleet". I passed my PADI Advanced Open Water diver course on-board Manta Queen 1 and this expericend changed all my life.

In many conversations with the cruise director of Manta Queen 1 and other PADI Divemasters on-board I got convinced that I needed to change my life now or I would never follow my dream to become a PADI Pro

So I decided to become a PADI Divemaster, I left everything behind in France and came to Thailand. I passed my PADI Divemaster course on the lovely island of Koh Chang on the East Coast of Thailand in 2015. Then I moved to Bali, Indonesia to partipate in the PADI Instructor Development Course early 2016.

I continued teaching diving as a PADI Instructor at the Gili Islands and in Tioman Island, Malaysia.

Now I am moving from Malaysia to Thailand to work my first season with Khao Lak Scuba Adventures, the dive centre that changed my life. I am really looking forward to be working with Khao Lak Scuba Adventures and meet some of the former dive guides of Manta Queen 1 that convinced me to take on my dreams and do what I really loved.

See you soon on-board The Manta Queen Fleet!!!


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