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Great trip on Manta Queen 7 to Similan Islands, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai and Richelieu Rock

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Great trip on Manta Queen 7 to Similan Islands, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai and Richelieu Rock

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Similan Island Liveaboard Number 59 onboard Manta Queen 7

On the first day of the trip we woke up to a beautiful sunrise over the Similan Islands. We started with a relaxed Check dive at Anitas reef followed by West of Eden, where some of the groups saw a frog fish! 3rd dive at rarely visited divesite Boulder City was nice and quiet. We ended the day with a night dive.

2nd day of the trip and still in the Similan Islands, this was a day for big boulders and swimthrus. First - Deep six- where some of us saw a white tip reef shark.. Cool! Current and thermocline greeted us at Elephant Head Rock and Christmas Point as well as Moray Eels and Sharks. Just before the sunset we played around in the shallow swimthrus of Turtle Rock. This was the last of the Similan Islands and the captain drove north.

On the 3rd day we woke up outside the island of Koh Bon. We did one dive at the North Ridge where all of us saw a leopard shark just chilling in the deep. Some of us also saw a manta ray! On the following two dives we jumped at the west ridge. The manta rays were awake and swimming around us almost the entire dives as well as an entire family of napoleon wrasses. Amazing! Bye bye Koh Bon and hello Sunset dive at Koh Tachai pinnacle with the giant barracudas.

An early morning dive at Tachai pinnacle started our 4th day of the trip. After this we drove even further north for a visit at the famous divesite Richelieu Rock. On one of the dives the visibility was great and we saw cuttlefish, shrimps, moray eels and much much more. On the second dive the visibly as well as the current got worse and we decided to head back to Koh Tachai for a fourth and final dive of the day. We jumped at the pinnacle again and this time we were greeted by a manta ray slowly circling the top of the pinnacle. This was truly amazing and a perfect ending to the day and we drove back towards Koh Bon.

5th and last day of the trip! We woke up extra early to jump in before the other boats at the deep divesite Hin Luang. After this we drove towards mainland for the final dives of the trip. The two dived we did at the Boonsung wreck were very nice and relaxing and we had plenty of time to explore. Surrounded by school ls of baby barracudas, snappers and fusilier we saw different kinds of moray eels, pufferfish and blue spotted stingray! Great way to end this trip and we arrived safe and sound at the pier in the afternoon.

Thank you everyone for making this trip so much fun! Hope to Se you all again soon. Also congratulations to Åsa for becoming an PADI Adventure Diver as well as Marzia & Tyler for becoming PADI Nitrox certified!

The Team of Manta Queen 7 powered by Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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