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HAPPY 50. BIRTHDAY Maurizio!!! Thanks for sharing this special moment with us.

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HAPPY 50. BIRTHDAY Maurizio!!! Thanks for sharing this special moment with us.

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Manta Queen 3 chartered on special mission, Maurizios 50th birthday!

This time we were celebrating an especial occasion, one of our customers has reunited all his friends to celebrate his 50th birthday on our beautiful Manta Queen 3.

On the first day after having a great breakfast we headed to Similan Island 6 and did some snorkeling and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the Islands. We then headed to Honeymoon Bay on Similan Island 4 to do some try dives with our new Italian, Spanish and Uruguayan friends. After this awesome experience a group of 4 spontaneously decided to start their PADI Open Water course and some others partipated on a full PADI Discover Scuba Dive. That same afternoon Manta Queen 3 was visited by a local and very friendly turtle that circled our boat for some time and many of our new friends enjoyed to swim along her and being photographed by our on-board photographer Alvaro ¨AKA¨Mekan.

This same night we celebrated Maurizio’s 50th birthday. It was great fun and our ¨Latino¨ friends proved themselve as great party folks.

On day 2 we started a bit later and fianlly the sun decided to show up allowing us to enjoy the gorgeous Donald Duck Bay on Similan Island number 8. Our PADI Open Water Students had their first confined water training sessions and the rest of the ¨Latino¨ crew had fun on the beach. Later on we climbed up the famouse viewpoint of the Similan Islands called Sail Rock and after lunch we all went snorkelling in the pristine watesr of the Donald Duck Bay

That same afternoon we had 2 birthday cakes delivered by a local German bakery on the boat as a big surprise.

Day 3 started as another beautiful day at the Similan Islands and the first open water dives for our very excited students. They mastered the skills easily and had enough time to explorer the stunning underwater world of the Similan Islands. Our snorkellers where even luck enough to see black tip sharks swimming in the shallows of the reef!
This day we had a particular awesome sunset that we watched from the sundeck of Manta Queen 3

Our last day and the most important for our students, they did their to last dives to get certified as PADI Open Water divers. We dived at Elephant Head Rock and for their first time they got to 18 meters. Duirng the dive we spotted puffer fish, sea snake, box fish, big trevallies and lion fish among others.

We all got a great time with Maurizio and his friends during the 4 days and 4 nights. Once again big thanks for sharing your 50th birthday with us Mauri and we all wish to celebrate your 100ds on board Manta Queen 3 again.

Big hugs from the team of Manta Queen 3 and Khao Lak Scuba Adventures.

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