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Harlequin Shrimp, Stonefish, Frogfish, Oh My!!!

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Harlequin Shrimp, Stonefish, Frogfish, Oh My!!!

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There was a big feeding frenzy on the second dive, with thousands of tiny glass fish working hard to avoid the hungry mouths of a gang of hunters that included Checkerboard Wrasse, Emperor fish, Slate Sweetlips, Trevally, Grouper and even a few Rainbow Runners. It was really great to see, cool for everyone, except maybe the glass fish!


The dives at Tachai Pinnacle were so beautiful, with huge schools of several hundred Chevron Barracuda swirling overhead. Add to that some of the largest Giant Trevally that I have ever seen and you've got the recipe for a combination of winning dives! We did one sunset dive and one early morning dive there on the site, split by a night dive at Tachai Reef, an awesome Thai-style dinner and some much needed sleep.

The second day brought us several dives at the world famous Richelieu Rock. Moray Eels, Bent Stick Pipefish, Pickhandle Barracuda, and Devil Scorpionfish were all there for us to see. Add to that a few special treats: A Pair of mating Cuttlefish, and juvenile Angelfish, both Emperor and Trapeze Angelfish. They are both the most vibrant shades of blue, with white makings on them. Just absolutely gorgeous! Top it all off with the fact that our star dive guide Judith finally managed to find the first elusive pair of Harlequin Shrimp of the season for us, and the day was perfection!



Day three starts with one of my all-time favorite dive sites, Koh Bon Pinnacle. This dive site is always a treat, a deep open water pinnacle with loads of life and one very special resident, A huge purple Stone fish named Stewie. That guy is so darn hard to find, but we finally got him, just in time as we were running low on NDL time at the top of the pinnacle.



The final dive of the trip was a perfect way to end it all, the Boonsung Wreck is a veritable fish festival!!! All the standard stuff showed up, plus a few special finds that included a Freckled Frogfish, and an Ornate Ghost Pipefish. Sweeeettttt!!!!!!!!!


Congratulations to all of the following people for completing their Advanced Open Water course onboard during the trip: Christophe, Chin Fatt, Athena, Marie-Anne, and Sebastien. Awesome! Also, Catherine and Frederic completed their Adventure Deep dives! Great job guys. So Cool!
If you are thinking about diving in the Similan and Surin National Marine Parks, please don't hesitate to contact us. Khao Lak Scuba Adventures runs multiple liveaboard, overnight and day trip boats to all the popular destinations, so we are surely offering something that will fit into your vacation schedule. Contact us anytime, and then sit back and get ready to DIVE... EAT... SLEEP... REPEAT!!!


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