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"I am quite nervous in the beginning, but water is so clear and so many colourful fish around me....¨

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"I am quite nervous in the beginning, but water is so clear and so many colourful fish around me....¨

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Manta Queen 5 Similan Island Liveaboard.

Once again of we go for another adventure, we have a Chinese girl come for her PADI Open Water Course, dive site "Snapper Ally" on Simillan Island 9 is her first Open Water Dive, "I am quite nervous in the beginning, but water is so clear and so many colourful fish around me, it's amazing, even I don't know what's their name." Night dive for the first day is on "West of Eden", we saw lots of lobsters come out for their dinner.

Day two of diving started again at Koh Tachai Island, but on The Dome, where we saw large free swimming Moray, as well as large Barracuda. We then spent the rest of the day diving at the world famous Richelieu Rock where we saw Cuttlefish, both large and small, a wide range of Pipefish and even Tiger Tail Seahorse hiding in amongst the coral, and even a Egg-Tiger Cowry or two.

Day three started at Koh Bon Island West Ridge where there were Reef Octopus flashing and changing colour as well as large schools of Travelli out on the hunt. We then moved onto the North Ridge of Koh Bon where we saw a large resting Leopard Shark which was a first for many onboard and a major highlight. We then concluded the days diving at Turtle Rock and saw, not surprisingly, lots of Turtles!

Day 4 begins on Koh Bon Island West Ridge again with another attempt to see mantas, after which we set course for the Boonsung Wreck and the Premchai to finish.

Congratulations to all the students on completing their Padi Dive Courses.

We hope to see you all again soon back on Manta Queen 1 powered by Khao Lak Scuba Adventures.

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