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Jasmin reporting directly from the Similan Island National Park

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Jasmin reporting directly from the Similan Island National Park

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Similan Island Divesafari with Manta Queen 5 Trip Number 91

This is Jasmine the Angelfish reporting directly from the Andaman Sea and this week we have explored the Similan Island National Park.

We have had the opportunity to follow one of the dive boats around from Khao Lak Scuba Adventures: Manta Queen 5.

As the divers from the boat jumped in the water at Anita's Reef on their first dive we were waiting for them in the shallows. Me, Roy the Barracuda and Emily the Squirrelfish split up and followed the dive groups around. They were all doing great and we saw them enjoying the beautiful coral garden and towards the safety stop we waved them good bye for now and then started moving on towards the next dive site which was West of Eden. There the divers said hello to our dear friend Will the Spearing Mantis Shrimp and some of them also had the luck to meet Jessie the Turtle. The dives followed were great and the divers seemed to be happy as they effortlessly dove through the swim throughs at Deep Six and as the sun was going down they were getting ready for the night dive. Both me, Roy and Emily was getting a little nervous about swimming around in the night time, because normally we would be sleeping by then.

It all went well though, but as we heard the engines of the boat start the next morning we were all really tired but we had to get ready for their dive at Elephant Head Rock. We had some guests visiting the divers there. Like Claire the White Tip Reefshark, she is a little bit shy so she swam away quite quickly but the divers seemed happy. The rest of the day they dove at North Point, Christmas Point and Turtle Rock. Some of the dives had a little bit of current so that made it hard for us to follow them, but we did our best and it turned out fine.

"Koh Bon Island, what a beautiful dive site!" We thought as we swam around the divers at North and West Ridge. The friendly little glass fish swam around everywhere, Michael the Napoleon wrasse was there and Gu the Maldivian Sponge snail as well.

The last dive they did at Boonsung Wreck where they signaled us that it was some people on the boat that had completed some courses: Emily, Lin Ge and Michael completed their PADI Advanced Open Water and Li and Zhu did their PADI Nitrox. And let's not forget Josh who finished his PADI Open Water course. Big congratulations from all the fish in the sea. We hope to see you in the future.

Again, this is Jasmine the Angelfish saying goodbye for now and I want to say that we are all so happy having you divers in the water with us to learn more about the marine life. It means a lot to us and hopefully you will remember this experience for a really long time!

The Team of Manta Queen 5 powered by Khao Lak Scuba Adventures.

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