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Khao Lak Scuba Adventures joined as main contributor to the Trash Hero cause in Khao Lak

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Khao Lak Scuba Adventures joined as main contributor to the Trash Hero cause in Khao Lak

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We clean, we educate, we change!

While solving the global garbage problem may be complex, knowing what to do about the garbage that is currently littered on our beaches and in our communities is relatively simple: pick it up!

Khao Lak Scuba Adventures has recently founded the Khao Lak Chapter of the Trash Hero movement. The idea people come together once a week to pick up trash from the beaches or other areas that may been heavily poluted.

When and where is this happening? Each particular Trash Hero Chapter set's the time and location designated each week to be cleaned up. 

Everybody can join and we have invited many local businesses and dive centres around Khao Lak to participate but so far haven't received to much support. No problem we have given our office staff (yellow t-shirts) half day of on every Saturday to clean up garbage from the local community.

It work's just perfecrt, in the first 2 beach clean up's at Nang Thong Beach and La Own Beach we have collected more then 100 kg of garbage. Being a role model is what counts and we believe that in the future more volunteers will join us every Saturday. Worldwide over 12000 volunteers have removed 155 metric tons of garbage in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, as well as in the USA and Europe.

The next project is on it's way too, Khao Lak Scuba Adventures will offer it's customers booked on live-aboards stainless steel water bottles to avoid one of the highest poluters of the oceans, plastic bottles. Once you receive yoru bottle you can refil world wide water for free at every Trash Hero Chapter and on businesses supporting the cause.

This is only a small part of our commitment for our love and passion to protect the environment. 

Special thanks to our lovely Khao Lak Scuba Adventures office girls and our ground support for joining every weekend as well as the Nang Thong Beach Resort, Khao Lak Land Discovery and Wet Zone Divers! 



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