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Koh Tachai Island to remain open for Scuba Divers

Blogs of KSA

Koh Tachai Island to remain open for Scuba Divers

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Koh Tachai Island will remain OPEN for Scuba Diving activity!

After much confusion created by international media we can confirm that Koh Tachai Island will remain open for scuba diving day trips and liveaboards.

Koh Tachai Island will be shut down for beach goers because of the growing number of tourist visiting this island day by day during the peak season.

Only a couple of years ago this island was not even known by tourists except for scuba divers. In the past 5 years local speedboat companies have market the island as "paradise on earth" and flooded it by "package tourists" and "wanna be snorkelers" from Phuket and Khao Lak alike.

This has created a tremendous negative impact on Koh Tachai Island and on the local reefs.

We welcome the announcement of the "Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation" to restore peace to Koh Tachai Island.

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