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Manta Queen 1 is back from a 4 days and 4 night trip to Similan Islands, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai and Richelieu Rock

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Manta Queen 1 is back from a 4 days and 4 night trip to Similan Islands, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai and Richelieu Rock

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Similan Island Liveaboard Trip Number 213 with Manta Queen 1.

We set off on trip number 213 with a boat filled with very excited guests. We awoke on day one, surrounded by the literal paradise the Similan National Marine Park is.

With great excitement and anticipation we jumped into the water for our first dive at Anitas Reef where we saw loads of garden eels, blue spotted sting rays and a few giant morays. Happy and excited for the second dive we headed towards a dive site called Deep Six where we enjoyed some tuna swimming in the blue and a lovely introduction to the typical boulders the Similan Islands are famous for. Dive three of the day was at a dive site called West of Eden where we visited the resident spearing mantis shrimp and enjoyed the scenic views of gorgonion sea fans and beautiful soft corals. To top off a great day of diving we plunged into the water once more for a night dive at Hideaway Bay where we enjoyed plenty of morays hunting and shrimps and crabs hiding in the cracks and crevices.

Day 2 began as usual on Elephant Head Rock in between Similan Islands 7 and 8 out in the channel we see large tuna and blue fin trevally swimming around the pinnacles and close to the surface we saw small groups of milk fish.
After our morning visit to the beach we head to the north of island nine to dive on North Point with more tuna and a few blue spotted stingrays in the sand.

Day 3 starts on Similan Island 5 where we decend onto the Tuna wreck near to Anita's reef, as we shallow up we continue with a great drift dive passing through hideaway bay. Next up is Deep Six, West of Eden and a night dive on Similan Island four where we got to see an incredible decorator crab using sponges for camouflage.

Our last day starts on Shark Fin Reef and Boulder city with beautiful sea fans and leopard sharks.
We finish the trip as we started, on a wreck as we visit the Premchai once more for nudies and crocodile fish.

Thanks for choosing Manta Queen 1 and hope to see you again soon.

At your service the Team of Manta Queen 1 powered by Khao Lak Scuba Adventures.

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