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Manta Queen 1 - The one and only Queen in the Andaman Sea

Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen 1 - The one and only Queen in the Andaman Sea

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Manta Queen 1 sails to Richelieu Rock and Similan National Marine Park.

The one and only Queen in the Andaman Sea departs once again from Khao Lak harbor.

Day one started spectacular even before we touch the water, just before we wanted to start the briefing a Whale Shark sought shelter under our Manta Queen 1. Lucky us, maybe we should start our trip more often at the Phratong Wreck - good check dive! Followed by 3 magic dives on Richelieu Rock with a huge amount of marine life...and the day was over.

On day two concentrated our dive activity's on Koh Tachai and Koh Bon Island. On the Koh Tachai pinnacle aka "the Dome" the current was very calm so some of us finished the dive of on the second pinnacle - without anyone else. We then sailed to Koh Bon and dove on west and north ridge, waited with sexy coral blocks.

Day 3 started on Hin Luang or yellow rock at Koh Bon pinnacle after which we make our way down to the Similan Islands and continue our adventure on Islands 8 and 9.

Our last day sees us diving at North point of Similan Island 9 before we return to Koh Bon for our last chance at spotting mantas.
The last dive of the trip finished on the Boonsung Wreck with the now resident Cobias...3 of them together...amazing.

Thanks to everyone for coming and hope to see you all again soon, the Team of Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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