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Manta Queen 2, 3 days and 3 nights in tropical paradise

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Manta Queen 2, 3 days and 3 nights in tropical paradise

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Manta Queen 2 Trip Number 212

Another great trip with awesome people!

As usual we started our trip in Koh Bon Island, where in between two dives we spotted turtles, ribbon eel, sea snakes, marble ray and many other cool creatures.
Later in the day we have sailed to Koh Tachai Island where all the guest were lucky enough to encounter a school of dolphins for about 15 minutes.

Diving in Tachai Island was awesome as always. Big schools of trevalies hunting around, barracudas, morays, thousands of fusiliers, full of fish - really amazing. Second dive we also did there , this time we had unsurprisingly strong current, probably the strongest this season yet, but with a lot of fish action, nudibranches, mating octopuses.

Later that night we sailed to famous Richelieu Rock where we slept for the night. Next day three amazing dives brought us few groups of cuttlefish, frog fishes, seahorses, huge schools of barracudas, devil scorpion fish, nudis and a lot lot more!

Final day we did a deep dive in Koh Bon Hin Luang with almost zero current but with many things to see including our common resident stone fish Stewie.

Congratulations to all who did their courses on board of Manta Queen 2. Stephan and Maaike for becoming Padi Open Water Divers
Tao & Andrey for doing their PADI Nitrox course, Dominik for completig his PADI Advanced Diver course and Josephine for making a PADI Deep Adventure Diver!

Thanks to you all and look forward to seeing you all again soon aboard the Manta Queen Fleet powered by Khao Lak Scuba Adventures, PADI 5 Star IDC

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