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Manta Queen 2 is back to Khao Lak with 20 ecstatic divers!

Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen 2 is back to Khao Lak with 20 ecstatic divers!

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Manta Queen 2 Liveaboard Trip 174

Setting off late with this departure but never the less with excitment in the air as people were super excited to be out on the boat and for some it was their first Liveaboard Similan experience...

Absolutely loving the idea of doing four dives a day with all your beautiful food cooked for you by are expert cook with delicious breakfast with bacon and eggs and potatoes. Lunch was amazing as well with plentiful fruits and salads and curries. for the adventurous there is always the food downstairs with the thai crew which with a prior warning about the chilli content people were interested in trying.... Liveabaord for some are the bet experience as you set up your equipment only the once on departure night and thats it all thats in volved after this is a briefing and wetsuit donning...

This liveaboard, as with most, was a combination of people with all ranges of experience. Similan Island Liveaboards are not just for the expereinced diver. People after just completing their PADI Open Water Courses were coming out and Completing their PADI Advanced Open Water certifications and walking away much better divers for it... Anyone out there thinking this isnt for you... come on out and give it a try, people are great dives and are every level and theres always eomthing for everyone....

Mother nature on this trip was showing her power with some strong winds and some lumpy seas, so after our morning dive at Koh Tachai Island on the morning of day 2 the captain gave the order that the seas were too rough to head north so we swung around and headed south for the beatuful Similans Islands.....With a beach trip now possible people went for a little swim o the sandy shores of Similan Island Number 4.
Elephant Head Rock on the morning of day 3 was as spectacular as Elephant Head can be with zero current and crystal clear waters we were weaving in and out of the 30 m granite boulders. Pleasantly suprised when a very shy and difficult pygmy pipehorse was found wrapped around a peice of soft coral...what a find!!!! Sea moths were a winner on this dive as well...

Once again the Similan Islands National Park proofed to be the best dive site in Thailand.

Your Team of Khao Lak Scuba Adventures.

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