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Manta Queen 2 special 4 days and 4 nights liveaboard trip

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Manta Queen 2 special 4 days and 4 nights liveaboard trip

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Manta Queen 2 Trip Number 251 to Similan Islands, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai, Richelieu Rock and Boon Soog Wreck.

Manta Queen 2 left the pier in the evening of the 26th with 16 exited customers for a special 4 days and 4 nights liveaboard trip, heading for the Similan Island. After a bumpy ride we woke up early to watch the beautiful sunrise over the Similan Islands.

Our first dive of the trip was the check-dive at Anita's Reef. This was a nice, calm dive with great visibility and we saw an octopus, a blue spotted stingray and hundreds of garden eels. We enjoyed some current and swim throughs on the second dive at Deep Six. At West of Eden we saw a big barracuda, some peacock mantis shrimps and moray eels. We also said hello to our friend the spearing mantis shrimp for the first time this season! We finished the day with a night dive in the bay for some guests and a beer and lightshow for the lazy ones :)

2nd day of the Similan Island trip! We were surprised by perfect conditions at the normally moody dive site Elephant Head Rock. We did some swim throughs and saw giant travallys, tunas, lots of free swimming moray eels and much more!
After breakfast most guests went to the beach in Donald Duck Bay. The clouds and rain didn't spoil the view from the top of the viewpoint and the sky cleared as we headed to Christmas Point for our last dive in the Similan Islands. We headed north for a dive at Koh Bon West Ridge and ended a very nice day with a sunset dive even further north, at Tachai Pinnacle. On this dive we had some tricky current but still great viz and we saw a huge school of barracudas. Very cool!

On the 3rd day of the trip we started with another dive at Koh Tachai Pinnacle. This time there was less current and we spent some time in the deep amongst the big boulders. While the guest ate breakfast the captain drove towards the Surin Islands. We did two dives at the famous Richelieu Rock. As one of the first boats to go there this season we had the site all to ourselves! We saw morays, baby box fish, cuttlefish and more. We decided to do the sunset dive at gorilla rock at the Surin Islands. Very nice dive and just before we went in we saw sailfish jumping at the surface. As the sun went down we headed back towards Koh Bon Island..

4th and final day of the trip! We woke up in Koh Bon bay to do a deep dive at Hin Luang where some of the groups were lucky to se a leopard shark! We also saw a big fat stonefish. After breakfast we dived the North Ridge. Unfortunately we found a big fishing net but everyone helped to cut it away from the reef and bring it to the boat. What great teamwork! We can all help in saving our oceans!
Our last dive of the trip was close to mainland at Boonsung Wreck. As always on this site we were surrounded by fish! Baby barracudas, snappers, fusiliers, puffer fish and sooo much more. What a great way to end such a nice trip!

Thank you everyone for making this an awesome trip. Hope to see you again. Congratulations to Ana for completing her PADI Advanced Open Water course with instructor Mark.

Special thank you to all our divers from the Team of Manta Queen 2 and Khao Lak Scuba Adventures!


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