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Manta Queen 3 is back again from a spectacular 4 day and 4 night Similan Liveaboard trip

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Manta Queen 3 is back again from a spectacular 4 day and 4 night Similan Liveaboard trip

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Manta Queen 3, Similan and Surin Liveaboard Trip # 185.

Another 4 day and 4 night liveabaord trip in the spectacular Similan Islands this week on Manta Queen 3! We had awesone visibility throughout the entire trip! It helps to see things like the marlins and white tip sharks at Christmas Point, huge marble rays at Hin Luang, Schooling Barracudas at Koh Tachai Island and Napoleon Wrasse at Koh Bon Island!

We didn't need the amazing visibility to see the upclose encounters with turtles at Deep Six and Richelieu Rock, Sea Snakes at Koh Bon Island, or a lazy Leopard shark at Koh Tachai Island!

All and all, a great trip! The weather held out with just a sea breeze most days as it begins to quiet down for the season to start!

Diving milestones on this trip included:

Corina hit 100 dives! Congratulations Corina! Hope 200 isn't far away!!
Manfred completed his PADI Nitrox course with our talanted and super instructer Anja! Now Manfred can extend his dives with more bottom time!
Julien and Emilie finished their PADI Advanced course, so they can add an array of experience and training to each dive they will do in the future!

The season is just getting started here in the Similans! We have already seen Whale Sharks and Manta Rays at multiple dive sites along our itenery this season!

So go ahead and reserve your spot on Manta Queen 3 to see what this lies in store for this year!!!!

The Team of Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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