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Manta Queen 3 set sails to Similan Islands delayed due extreme weather conditions

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Manta Queen 3 set sails to Similan Islands delayed due extreme weather conditions

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Manta Queen 3, 4 days and 4 nights Similan Island Liveabaord Trip Number 255

Although our departure was delayed due to extreme weather conditions in Khao Lak, it certainly didn't dampen the enthusiasm onboard. We set sail early morning towards the Similan Island Marine Park and braved the high swell to arrive in time for a dive before lunch. We got to explore many of the great sights of the Similan Islands during our trip such as North Point, Elephant Head Rock, Christmas Point, Three Trees and Anita's Reef for our night dive. On our last day we ventured further north to reach Koh Bon Island and also explore the Boon Sung Wreck (with limited visibility).

We saw plenty of Turtles at the Similan Islands (thanks to Alejandro) which delighted all divers, especially Tess. Other cool things we saw were White Tip Reef Sharks, Octopus, Giant Moray Eels, Sail Fish and large schooling fish.

This great variety of marine life helped our PADI Advanced Open Water divers 'The French Team' Matthew, Claudia, Bilal, Jeremiah, Eloi and 'The Spanish Team' Mario and Victor. Congratulations to all newly certified PADI Advanced Open Water divers. We are so proud of you all.

We also had Jenny and Patrick complete their PADI Nitrox certification while onboard. Well done guys!

Thank you from the crew of Manta Queen 3 and Khao Lak Scuba Adventures!


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