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Manta Queen 5 Trip Number 103

Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen 5 Trip Number 103

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Welcome aboard Manta Queen 5 powered by Khao Lak Scuba Adventures!

As always we're heading for Anita's Reef for our first dive. It got perfect conditions for everybody to get comfortable with their gear and check weights.
Afterwards we were off to Deep Six and there was a lot of fun swim through. Even though there was a fair bit of current we still had a great time
After the atmospheric dive at Deep Six we headed to West of Eden for a chilled dive.
West of Eden night dive edition...
The night dive got everybody excited and it definitely delivered. When we got down we saw multiple lobsters, crabs, shrimps and one group even got to see a barracuda in action. Hunting right in front of them!

Day 2 started out with a nice dive at Elephant Head Rock where we saw a White Tip Reef Shark followed by a beach trip to Donald Duck Bay. Dive two at Christmas Point was a relaxing drift dive around the corner of Similan Island no.9.
At the third dive on North Point we found a devil scorpion fish and a huge barracuda entertained us at the safety stop.
The very last dive of day 2 was an a amazing sunset dive at Koh Bon Island. The conditions were excellent and we managed to see an octopus and a few more scorpion fish.

Day 3 started with a nice early dive on the Koh Bon West Ridge, along the wall and ridge then a slow drift up to the north.
Dive 2 on the Koh Bon North Ridge with beautiful coral gardens on the lookout for black tip reef sharks.
Our last dive finishes as usual on the Boonsung Wreck.

Thanks to Team Malaysia, Team Russia, Team Brazil, Team Germany and Team UK .

Hope to see you all again soon.

We wish you all the best your Team of Manta Queen Liveaboards and Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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