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Manta Queen 6 final trip of the Similan diving season

Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen 6 final trip of the Similan diving season

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Manta Queen 6 Trip Number 171 was a busy trip, with so many courses on board we made the crew work for their money on this one.

On day one at the Similan Islands with gusty conditions we made seven drops to get the best for everyone. The experienced divers wanted to drop on sites out of range for the entry level divers, they got what they wanted, Anita's Reef, West of Eden and Deep Six amongst them. Not letting anything out for the students they had dives on Hide Away, Turtle Rock to name a couple. There is always a calm dive site at the Similan Island Marine Park to cater the needs of our novice divers.

Day 2 and the wind seemed to be picking up, but after 2 lovely dives on whale back and turtle, we head north. Time for a lovely drop to let us drift onto the West Ridge at Koh Bon Island. You guessed it! The Dome at Koh Tachai Island awaited us to the north, Man I love that place! The jacks were hunting like it was their last meal.

Day 3 and the news of the north wasn't good, boats had been turning back in rough seas. It might just be me, but I think there might be worst places to get stuck than the Dome! The guys, including by now, those newer divers who were ready for the Dome, enjoyed having the place largely to ourselves. We finished the day with some magic on the West Ridge, always a crowd pleaser.

Still can't decide what is more fun, the previous evenings sunset dive or the early morning dive on the Koh Bon Ridge, lucky for us we didn't have to choose, we just smashed both! Then time to warped off the trip with a couple of wreck dives to wrap up the trip with a couple of wreck dives.

Huge thanks to all involved and massive congratulation to, Helle, Jon, Robert, Jenn, Zhen Chen,Han Bai,Xu Hongbo for nailing their PADI Open Water Courses and Zhiyuan Chen, Yun Pan, Zhen Chen, Han Bai, WangJing, LiuJie, Jiang, Duan and Monika on smashing through your PADI Advanced Open Water Courses.

A 4 day and 4 night Similan Island liveaboard trip that will be remembered! Join Manta Queen 6 powered by Khao Lak Scuba Adventures next season in November.

Happy Bubbles


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