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Manta Queen 6's Maiden Voyage! Tigertail Seahorse, Ghost Pipefish and a Toadfish!

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Manta Queen 6's Maiden Voyage! Tigertail Seahorse, Ghost Pipefish and a Toadfish!

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Running the usual North Schedule that Manta Queen 2 also runs, we start our trip the first day with two dives at Koh Bon. Then it's on to Koh Tachai for one dive on Tachai Pinnacle followed by a night dive on Tachai Reef. First day highlights included huge Napoleon Wrasse, schools of several hundred Barracudas and a very curious and  sociable Octopus.

Day two at Tachai Pinnacle begins with a nice surprise, a very large Mangrove Whip Ray hovering above the sand on the South side of the pinnacle! Then it's on the the crowd favorite, Richelieu Rock:


The first dive there was a real winner, with an Ornate Ghost Pipefish, a juvenile Tigertail Seahorse and even an elusive Toadfish! Wow! Other creatures spotted at Richelieu included pairs of mating Cuttlefish, cleaner pipefish, tiny juvenile Yellow Spotted Boxfish, Tiger Egg Cowries, Big Groupers, large schools of Chevron Barracuda, Harlequin Shrimps and so much more!



Day three included dives at Koh Bon Pinnacle, We had to pay a visit to the resident Stonefish, Stewie:


as well as one dive at the Boonsung wreck. Boonsung was especially nice this time, with a Freckled Frogfish and two Ghost Pipefish together. Awesome!


Congratulations to all of our students on board. Megan, Bryan, Kristy, Ulrich, Michaela and Martin all completed their Advanced Open Water course on board during the trip. Also, Sara, Anton and Mario finished their PADI Open Water Diver certifications on board, and then went on to do their Adventure Deep Dive! Great job guys! Welcome to the family!!!

I guess the best news about the newest member of the KSA fleet (Manta Queen 6) can be summed up in just six words: "We are going out again tomorrow!" Hope to see you all on board soon!!!


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