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Manta Queen 7 live aboard, last trip of the Similan Island season

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Manta Queen 7 live aboard, last trip of the Similan Island season

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Manta Queen 7 heading for it's last Similan Island liveaboard trip.

The magical final trip of Manta Queen 7 for the 2016/17 season, and what a way to end the it! With a full boat, plenty of enthusiasm and lots of excitement, we set off for the Similan Islands to see our share of amazing sea life.

In the Similan Islands we were treated to some spectacular dives. After each dive, the groups traded stories of their adventures, with shark sitings being the hot topic of conversation.

After 2 amazing days, we started our march north to Koh Bon Island, Koh Tachai and Koh Surin Island to explore some of the more remote sites of the Similan Islands.
The third day ended with a relaxing sunset dive in Torinla Island, Koh Surin, where divers were able to spot kuhl's stingrays, mantis shrimps, eels and watch feather stars walk across the reefs.
Richelieu Rock was our destination for day 4 & couldn't have started better. We had 2 gorgeous dives at the Richelieu Rock & were 1 of only 2 dive boats at the site, a rare treat when diving at one of the most popular dive sites in the world. The groups descended and were immediately greeted by a friendly napoleon wrasse that was patrolling the area. Dive groups were treated to see pipefish, boxfish, mantis shrimps as well as schools of trevally & barracudas; we were also fortunate enough to spot the resident sea horse! One lucky group saw a pair of manta rays during their safety stop on the second dive of the day at Richelieu Rock.
On our way back to Koh Tachai Island, after a fantastic morning’s diving at Richelieu Rock, we were lucky enough to be escorted by a massive pod of playful rough-toothed dolphins. Definitely a highlight for the day!
The thing that really makes a trip fantastic are the guests and boy, did we have some fun groups! Friendships made, conversations had & stories traded; the laughter went on well into the night.
Thank you to everyone for an amazing last trip of Manta Queen 7 for 2016/17.

Your Team of Manta Queen 7 powerd by Khao Lak Scuba Adventures!

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