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Manta Queen I - Trip #24 Best Birthday Present Ever!!

Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen I - Trip #24 Best Birthday Present Ever!!

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But is not finishing everything there, in our second dive we headed directly to the West Ridge to find a couple of Mantas doing barrels right before another one came to check what was going on, while a fourth one pass by next to the island (four!!!!!!),  60 minutes dive enjoying the very BEST Manta Show of the Season, thank you very much to Christine for attracting such a good luck in her Birthday.


Next dive was at Koh Tachai, The Dome, where we were seriously not expecting to beat the first ones, but right when we went down another Huge Manta was waiting for us followed for a bunch of Giant Trevallies. Great Show followed for a Barracuda Tornado trying to get the attention from us…Jelous maybe of everybody taking pictures of the Manta????, no worries, is space in the Sdcards for you guys.


Last one again at The Dome where we spotted again the Barracudas, a amazing group of Trevallies cruising together with Rainbow runners and a great sunset waiting for us at the surface. SUCH A DAY!!!!!!

Lets come back to the first day now, because wasn´t bad at all, we had Frogfishes in 3 dives,  in total 5, 2 Freckled Frogfish at West of Eden, 1 Clown Frogfish at Elephant Head Rock and 2 Clown Frogfish at Turtle Rock, a Yellow-Red and a White-Red.


That together with a Jenkins Whipray, Marbled Ray, Seamoths, Hawksbill Turtle, Ribbon Eels, Ghostpipefishes…..and a Minke While at the surface.

Our third day at The Dome and Richelieu Rock was as expected, amazingggg, we payed a visit to the Seahorses, Bentstick Pipefishes,  Toadfish, Ribbon Eel, Seamoth……we founded in total 1 new Juvenile Ornate ghotpipefish at the Dome (second pinnacle), and 7 new at Richelieu Rock, 12 in Total in this place, what is going on this last trips with this guys!!???!!! And Ooopssss, almos forget the Jenkins and Marbled Rays in the Dome at Sunrise, this time together!!.


Last day as usual few groups jumped at Koh Bon Pinnacle and others in the West Ridge, actually the lucky ones spotting again another Manta!!!!!!!, 15 minutes alone with them over the Ridge.

Boonsung help us like always with the closure of this incredible trip with the usual amount of life living within the wreck pieces. Crocodile Flatheads, Ornate Ghostpipefish, Orangutan Crabs, Cuttlefish, Spearing Mantis Shrimps………..


Good memories to keep, experiences to tell and people to congratulate, Brand new advanced Open Water Divers, Joselyn and Hanqan and to Eva for logging on board 100 dives!!!!

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