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Manta Queen I Trip #26, School of Whale Sharks

Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen I Trip #26, School of Whale Sharks

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 But there were right. The next day we dove again at 7:00 o´clock and we had another crazy show with this creatures. Playing with the bubbles, going back and forth around the pinnacle…, and having 4 at the same time with us for a moment, CONFIRMED!!!, 4 WHALE SHARKS. One group went to the reef to do few skills in this dive and they had a MANTA RAY with them. Really???, what is going on this season???


All this happens after a great dive at Koh Bon with a friendly White Tip Reef Shark circleling at the end of the West Ridge and a Huge MANTA RAY. You can have a idea of what a amazing days we had.  But…..wait a bit more, thats not all. In our Sunset dive at Richelieu Rock, being the only boat in the place another WHALE SHARK appear to stay with us the whole dive, uncredible!!!!!!!, really curious and friendly with all the groups, who behave perfectly creating a atmosphere where our friend felt comfortable enough to pass between the groups several times really close to everybody.


The first dive of the last day we had another surprise more, the first groups jumping at Hin Luang had a MANTA RAY cruising the pinnacle. Good Morning!!!!!.


Speaking about the rest, this trip didn´t stay behing, the macro lovers enjoyed quite a few Frogfishes, Ornate Ghostpipefishes, Seamoths (a new one in Boonsung Wreck), 3 HAIRY PYGMY PIPEHORSE, Winged Pipefish and a exciting discovery at Richelieu Rock, a weird BUMBLEBEE SHRIMP, this one has two distintive antennas, something the Stripped Bumblebees hasn´t, we still not knowing what kind is.


With such emotions in the this last 4 days is hard to remember a lot of things we spotted, but the good feelings we had on board with our amazing costumers and underwater with such special encounters will stay in our mind forever. Thank you everybody!!!! And congratulations to our brand new certified divers Tracy, new Advanced Open Water and Steve Nitrox diver.


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