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Manta Queen I Trip #31, Challenge Accepted!!

Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen I Trip #31, Challenge Accepted!!

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We did this one like usual in our first day together with Anita´s Reef, with new encounters like a Black Ribbon eel, Ornate Ghostpipefish, Crocodile Flathead, together with the Flounders, Marbled Snake Eels, Pipefishes, Spearing Mantis Shrimps, Robust Ghostpipefish…etc.


West of Eden delivers again the usual goods with Ribbon Eel, Spearing Mantis shrimp, Frogfishes, Ghostpipefishes and a resting Marbled Ray sharing the hole with a huge Moray Eel and Marbled Grouper.


Elephant Head Rock, with great conditions and a lot of action, having fun among the massive granite boulders and great swim Throughs. Paying a visit to the Seamoths, the Skeleton Shrimps (this one could be another of our goals, to be able to get a sharp picture of this diminute creatures…), Porcelain Crabs……


Second day was started at Koh Bon North Ridge, with a Marbled Ray waiting for us at the beginning of the Ridge. And with a great surprise in our second one at the West Ridge, a couple of Maldives Sponge Snails, really weird to see and appearing in the books like knowed just from Maldives, but spotted as well eventually around Koh Bon.


Last two dive were at Koh Tachai, with a Manta coming to say hello at the surface right when we were arriving. Underwater just few groups were the lucky ones to see this guy in both dives, but the action around was amazing!!!, Barracudas, Big Eye Trevallys, 4 new Ghostpipefishes, 2 new seamoths, Whop whop whop!!!!


Third day started with a good morning exercise at the Dome with quite a strong current, not giving us a lot of chances to decide our path but having another Manta Passing by in front of 1 group. But the Highlight was about to come, and we are not speaking just about this great place named Richelieu Rock, if not about what was there waiting for us, a 5 meters whale shark who stay with us two dives deliting eveybody with his approachings, really really friendly!!!.

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Being as hard like is to pay attention to the small things having this guy around we had at least one dive to explore the area and small gaps of the other ones, locating again the Seahorses, Ghotpipefishes, Seamoth, Harlequin Shrimps, Pipefish, Cuttlefishes, Octopuses, Barracudas, etc, etc…..


We reach the last day with a boat full of happy costumers, 2 brand new Nitrox divers (Inez and Catrien) and two more dives to go. Hin Luang with the 2 Stonefishes waiting for us and Boonsung Wreck with the Frogfishes, Flatheads, Spearing Mantis Shrimp, Seamoth, Ghostpipefish, Nudis, etc, etc….


Tomorrow we depart again, with all this challenges and the most important one we got from the beginning of this season, to come back always on land with a boat full of happy costumers, would you like to be one of those?, don´t hesitate to drop us a email for information.


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