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Manta Queen III Trip 26 (2/Mar - 6Mar) Whaleshark, Mantas, Eagle Ray, White Tip, Turtle....

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Manta Queen III Trip 26 (2/Mar - 6Mar) Whaleshark, Mantas, Eagle Ray, White Tip, Turtle....

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Day 2 and this is usually when we start seeing the big guys with Koh Bon and Koh Tachai both visited and both notorious hotstops at the moment. we kept our eyes out looking into the blue for something coming our way. koh bon came up short and koh tachai wasn't looking much better. we did have a couple hundred trevally's all hunting, juvenile angelfish and ornate ghost pipefish and it was still an amazing dive. we headed back to the line and just as we were finishing a manta came through the groups and then disappeared.




Next morning and spirits were high for some more action. Koh Tachai was packed with fish again but fourty minutes into the dive and nothing big... Again just as it seemed as we had given up hope, the manta shows up and hangs right next to the mooring line for all the groups to check out. Does a few laps around and ended up around us for over 10 minutes (sorry no photos!)




Then off to Richelieu Rock for the three remaining dives of the day. Some hopeful divers crossing their fingers and hoping for a whale shark, but all of the experienced instuctors know; there aren't ever any whlae shark sightings at richelieu. So we amuse them while playing down any chances we might have of seeing one. Well as luck would have its the first thing we see as we jump in water. Not only that but it then continued to hang around the site for all three dives. 






What a trip! 






Big thanks to everyone who came and joined in on this experience,





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