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Manta Queen Trip #4

Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen Trip #4

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I think eberyones hearts beat a little faster when we found that sweet spot on the north face of Rishelieu and saw baby Jans peipfish swimming and than after checking on the dancing shrimp and were surprised by the amount of adult and juvanile spotted pipefish all over the rocks...b2ap3_thumbnail_IMG_3028.jpgFrogfish and sharks are all good and well but hey people dont forget about the little guys. Loved my fellow aussies on the trip and team france really kept the smart arse alive in all of us under the water. Greg, Marek congrats on the EANX course and of course to be welcomed into the Advanced Open Water Course areana there is Carolina, Sofia, Frank, Francois. look forward to seeing you back this way again.

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