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Manta Queen VI, trip #13....

Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen VI, trip #13....

, By | View 19080





What an amazing group of divers!  It was a pleasure to share this experience with all of them and listen to the sounds of excitement and adrenalin fill the dive deck after our encounters.  Unforgettable memories above and below the water!






Every dive site visited on this Similan north tour gave us what we wanted to see....  Koh Bon gave us Manta Rays, Koh Tachai gave us multiple Whale Sharks AND Manta Rays, and Richelieu blessed us with another Whale Shark and the typical abundance of beautiful Macro life. 





A big congratulations to Yoav, Edmund, and Michael on completing your Advance course.... how incredible to experience a trip like this on your advance course :)  Rachel, congrats on your 100th dive, you still owe yourself a naked dive!  A big THANKS to ALL guests on board, what a trip!!!!!!!! 






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