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MantaQueen 3 (25 Feb -> 1 Mar) Mantas!

Blogs of KSA

MantaQueen 3 (25 Feb -> 1 Mar) Mantas!

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The second day is when we normally see thing big things in the water. Some white-tips at Christmas point, plus what can only be described as the biggest barracuda ever got things started off. Captain shouts us to the front of the boat halfway between the Similan Islands and Koh Bon with a big group of dolphins chasing eachother and jumping out the water, and doing most cute things we generally associate with dolphins. Unfortunately we couldnt hang out with them all day and so waved then goodbye as they headed west and we went north.




Arriving at Koh Bon we asked the other boats around if anyone had seen any big stuff and the answer from all of them was 'no' so we jumped in not expecting much. Swam down the ridge and saw some nice pipefish and nudibranch, and most people looped around the bay and headed back to the ridge for the safety stop, and from the north comes this huge 4-5m manta that does a couple laps around us before taking off. Truly breath taking and congrats to all the people that 'popped' their manta cherry on this trip.





No more of the 'big stuff' (i don't think its right to compain after what we already saw anyway), and so the rest of the trip was macro heaven: tigertail seahorse, juvenile harlequin shrimp, stonefish, delicate ghost pipefish, nudi's galore and a coulple of frogfish thrown in the mix and of course by the end even 14 dives isn't enough for most people.









If you readers out there have never experienced the Similans its not too late. Drop us a line and get on board for some great diving and four days that does exactly what it says on the boat: eat, sleep, dive, repeat. 


Congrats to our new certified divers: Garett (Adv OW), Amy (Adv OW), Amanda (Adv OW & Nitrox), Rachel (Adv OW), Isabel (Adv OW), Oktay (Adv OW), Matthew (OW & Adv OW) and Jane (Nitrox)

dont forger to share the love. 




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