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Meet Nikita from the Ukrain, PADI Dive Instructor aboard The Manta Queen Fleet

Blogs of KSA

Meet Nikita from the Ukrain, PADI Dive Instructor aboard The Manta Queen Fleet

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Hello, my name is Nik, I’m Ukrainian. I’m telling this story to every diver (or not diver yet) who ask me about my diving career and also to those who are afraid of water. Now it’s your turn to read it.

Since my early childhood I was always afraid of water. Never went swimming far away from the shore, and very nervous if I couldn’t touch the bottom with my feet, and when one of my best friends started diving and tried to involve me - I could always find some good reasons and lots of excuses to skip.

So one day he just brought me a PADI Open Water Diver manual - “Start reading - your course begins in two days” he said. That time I couldn’t decline so in two days I came to the dive center and shortly after checking knowledge review I found myself breathing underwater in the shallow water of the swimming pool. That day I realized that there’s nothing scary being in the water and under the water too.

Just 2 years later I became a PADI diving instructor!

Looking back it seems to me quite funny, how far I was from the life I live. Now I can’t imagine my life without the ocean. I’m teaching other people diving and showing them this wonderful underwater world full of incredible creatures at the Similan Islands. I work with Khao Lak Scuba Adventures aboard The Manta Queen Fleet.


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