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MQ II Trip 130

Blogs of KSA

MQ II Trip 130

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We are now on our way to Tachai and after talking to the captain we have reports of sightings of manta AND whale shark, if we see whale sharks today on the first day and only the third dive we have decided it can't get any better and we'll go back to port and finish while we are on top jejejeje


Oh my god...... 3rd dive if the trip Koh Tachai, 5 minutes into the dive and we are visited by not one but three whale sharks, this can't get any better.



At Tachai it's not only the whale sharks that make it, all the trevallys and barracuda in their hundreds made this dive hard to beat, Joni in my group told me after that this was the best dive he had ever done in his life..... Now that's what we want to hear!!!!!

Sunset at Tachai also to finish off a perfect days diving, in the safety stop one more time  ,Wally come to say bey bey and let's see what tomorrow brings.


Day 2.


Dive 5 begins again at Koh Tachai, expectations are high, it's going to be difficult to beat the day before.



As we dived the dome twice yesterday we now head North East towards the outer pinnacle, a beautiful underwater garden of table corals, gorgonian sea fans, big groupers and morays. Even without the big stuff, Tachai is a spectacular dive getting the day of to a great start.

Dives 6, 7, and 8 are all at the famous Richelieu rock......and what's there to great us as soon as we jump in ......yes another whale shark, this is incredible, the quantity and intensity of marine life we are seeing up to now, is for a lot of people on this trip some of the best diving



they have ever done, dive seven goes swimmingly and Kristina had her longest dive yet.

Shannon passed her Nitrox exam with flying

 colours today and now joins the ranks of EANx divers.

The last dive finished how the second began, Wally the whale shark come back to do his safety stop with Walter and Tongs group accompanied by hundreds of trevallys and rainbow runners.

These last two days have been for Manta Queen II the best this season and the best ever for a lot of divers and all the dive crew aboard.

Tomorrow morning we dive Koh Bon again and have decided to do the ridge again instead of the pinnacle to maybe finish the trip with mantas,

I'll let you know how it goes in the morning.....



Day 3.



A cool and windy morning greets us at Koh Bon and a lot of sleepy head get a good wake up call at 25 meters on the ridge, a frosty 26 degree green monster prevails along the wall where we wait for the mantas with anticipation..... Unfortunately we don't see any but the balls of glass fish and hunting mackerel entertain us while we wait, Yulias and Tongs group where visited briefly by ANOTHER whale shark to finish of the trip.



Stephanie and Bryanna finished their Advanced navigation dive with Walter.... Congratulations!!!!!


Last dive on the Boonsung is always a winner with its concentration of marine life, scorpion fish and lion fish everywhere, huge groupers and all types of eels everywhere .


A big thanks to everyone  for what has been the best of the season up to now....... This is going to be hard to beat.



See you all again soon and safe diving from all on Manta Queen II

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