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New Khao Lak Scuba Adventures Dive Centre on the way.

Blogs of KSA

New Khao Lak Scuba Adventures Dive Centre on the way.

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Khao Lak Scuba Adventures home of ¨The Manta Queen Fleet¨ is expanding it´s dive shop building new classrooms for PADI Open Water Courses and PADI Instructor Development.

A new in-house dive pool will crown our effords to offer the highest training standards to our students.

By the 15. of October on time with the start of the diving season on the Similan Islands and Richelieu Rock our new facility will be ready to welcome our diving friends from around the world.

Feel free to come by to visit our new dive centre and have a plunge in our new pool.

More updates soon.

Happy Bubbles your Khao Lak Scuba Adventures Dive Team





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