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Oscar proposed to Monica and she said yes!!!

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Oscar proposed to Monica and she said yes!!!

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Similan Island Liveaboard Manta Queen 7

Manta Queen 7 set out on the 24th of March 2016 from Khao Lak habour, aboard a broad variety of different nationalities all very excited to get into the water and explore all the beauty the Similan Islands has to offer.

Day one started out with a dive at Anitas Reef, West of Eden and Deep Six. We saw plenty of moray eels, ribbon eels, coral crabs, octopus, blue spotted sting rays and even the elusive napoleon wrasse. To top off a good days diving we plunged into darkness at Hideaway Bay for a lovely relaxed night dive where we enjoyed seeing plenty of different kinds of moray eels and shrimps and crabs in the cracks and crevices.

Day two started with a dive at Elephant Head where we enjoyed the maze of swim throughs and massive boulders as well as the resident ribbon eels. Dive two was at Christmas Point followed by Whale Back Rock and Turtle Rock where we enjoyed plenty of swim throughs, stingrays, lobsters, nudibranches and plenty more.
Day two was also a particularly special day because Oscar proposed to Monica and she said yes!! It was a beautiful romantic proposal on the beach with the lovely romantic gesture and all just like in a fairy tale. We wish them all the best and hope their relationship is long and happy.

Day three started with a dive at North Point where we saw Pigmy pipehorses and Barry the barracuda. Dive two was at Koh Bon, Northridge where we saw a big Fantail Stingray and a leopard shark. Dive three and four was at Koh Tachai 's Dome of Doom where we enjoyed the trevally hunting the glass fish, nudibranches and the special appearance of a seamoth.

Day four started with another dive at th Dome where some groups were lucky enough to see a leopard shark and even a big whip ray. We spent dive two and three at Richelieu Rock where we enjoyed plenty of marine life like pineapple fish, pipefish, ghost pipefish, moray eels, cuttle fish, a bug Jenkins whip ray and plenty more life, before heading back to Koh Tachai to end the day off with another sunset dive at the Dome amount the beautiful coral gardens.

Our last day started with two dives at Koh Bons Westridge where we enjoyed seeing maldive sponge snail and napoleon wrasse. To end off the trip we plunged into the water once more on the way back at a wreck called the Premchai Wreck where we saw plenty of schooling juvenile barracuda, pipefish and plenty snappers cruising around.

Tired, but very happy we headed back towards the Khao Lak Scuba Adventures Dive Centre.

Congratulations to Coleen for completing her PADI Nitrox Course a board the boat as well as to Pik and Trisha who completed their PADI Open Water Course and their PADI Advanced Open Water Course and to Simon for completing his PADI Rescue Course.

The Manta Queen 7 crew wishes everyone safe further travels and happy bubbles.

We hope to see you again soon.

The Team of Manta Queen 7 powered by Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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