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Similan Island Divesafari with Manta Queen 5.

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Similan Island Divesafari with Manta Queen 5.

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Similan Island Divesafari Number 90 onboard Manta Queen 5

As the season goes forward the guests get better. What an amazing group of people onboard for a 3 day 3 night divesafari!

We woke up on the first day moored up at Similan Islands on the first dive site of the liveaboard trip Anitas Reef. A great place for us all to get to know each other. Conditions were perfect! A nice easy dive where we spotted some garden eels and even got cleaned by some of the cleaner wrasses at 1 gigabyte rock. Off to West of Eden and another dive with perfect conditions. We spotted the ever present frogfish, sitting happily on the huge boulder it calls home. Deep Six was also quite accomadating, swim throughs and beautiful scenery didnt let us down. Finished the first day with a pleasant night dive at Hideaway Bay. The Tsunami memorial was interesting to all and we even spotted the cutest little baby reef octopus. Amazing!!

Day 2 started off at Elephant Head Rock. ribbon eels, blue spotted stingrays and the amazingly huge boulder scenery was awesome. North Point was up next.. more ribbons eels, pipefish and the pygmy pipehorse were seen by most. Visibility was great and everyone loved it. Christmas Point was our 3rd dive of the day and once again the conditions and viz were really good. The current worn boulders create some amzing scenery and everyone loved the site. The sunset dive was at Turtle Rock. The never ending swim throughs were enjoyed by all.

Day 3 we woke up at the world famous dive site of Koh Bon Island. Our pre-breakfast dive was at North Ridge. The limestone rocks jutting out of the sandy bottom make for awesome scenery and also I great place for a leopard shark to rest. It seems to have made North Ridge it's home. We foiund it resting on the bottom and most of our divers had a chance to see it close up. Also spotted was a 2 meter Napoleon Wrasse in the shallows, hanging out at a cleaning station. Our last dive at Koh Bon Island was at West Ridge, looking up at the wall covered with soft corals is always a great thing to view. Travallies cruising around feeding and some octopi comepleted our dive. Boon Sung wreck was up next as we made our way towards home. This site never lets us down. At least 4 different types of nudibranchs were spotted along with all the usual suspects, pufferfish, lionfish, multiple large schools of fish just hanging out, white eyed morays and honeycomb morays to name a few. Awesome dive.

Our group of divers on this trip were a great bunch of people and from the very first night everyone socialized well together. I am quite sure there were some new friendships and some new dive buddies made. Thank you all for an amazing trip to the Similan Islands. It was our pleasure teaching you and guiding you. All the Best from the Manta Queen 5 dive staff!!

A huge congratualtions to all of our students onboard. New PADI Open Water divers Poon and Mo. Great job to our new PADI Adavanced Open Water divers, Kai Tung, Christie, Noemie, Sebastien, Matthew, Alisa, Racquel, Matteo, Christina, Freya, Andrea, and Jonathan!!

The Team of Manta Queen 5 powered by Khao Lak Scuba Adventures


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