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Thailand dive in Koh Tao completed Open Water Course, Advanced Open Water and Rescue diver

Blogs of KSA

Thailand dive in Koh Tao completed Open Water Course, Advanced Open Water and Rescue diver

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I am currently 6 weeks into a 3 month Duvemaster course and this trip will be my 4th liveabaord so far... This was the first trip that i had the opportunity to guide with guests on board... Following Rachel's group i mostly stayed in the back getting more of an idea of the dive sites and than being allowed ot stay down longer with the people who had more air...


Moving from the back of the group to the front after saying goobye to Rachel and her divers who were alittle lower on air than others i got to move to the front of the group. Showing diver who have more dives and Thailand dive experience than me can sometimes be a little daunting but they were great to have under the water and just loved all fish and creatures that i showed them... Even spotting a Seamoth that Rachel couldnt find.....After 5 mins of looking Rachel moved on and then letting out a squeal i found the little dragon in the sand of West of Eden at about 22m... Was pretty proud of myself..


The best part of being allowed to stay down longer was definately on Koh Bon islands West Ridge and also Koh Tachai the Dome.. On the firts day of the trip was were blessed with some Manta Madness with 3 Mantas taking turns with all the groups showing off their magic dance...


I am really happy to have this opportunity here in ths Similans and with KSA... Working with all the great Thailand dive people who come out on the trips each day give me confidence and support that i can do this job and soon be ready to become an Instructor...

thanks to everyone and espically Robert, Myro, Sana, Cop, Rowena and Marco for letting me dive with them."


On board this Thailand dive trip a big congratulations to Alisa and Corinne for completing their Advacnced Open Water Courses with Mark... and Also for the major accomplishment of the 6 Germans for staying so hard on departure day to get all their theory finished so they could come out and finish their Open Water Course...Annkhrin, Alexander, Chritian, Marcel, Mark and Patrick...A big congrats to you all and hope to see you soon for the Advanced.....


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